John from shares his proven methods to control pests in your organic vegetable garden. In this epsiode, John shares with you his top ways to prevent a pest infestation in the first place, and then shares his techniques for dealing with bugs in the garden. Next, special guest, Josh will enlighten you on why chemical pesticides should not be used in your garden and the safe, effective #1 alternative to get proven results to rid the pests from your garden once and for all.
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Video Rating: / 5
Think you smoked to many California Tomatoes.
I have organic musroom .if u need wtsap me9475717435
would neem oil be good to use on herbs like basil? i noticed mine are being attacked by leaf miners, tried pinching them off but i dont think i got to it in time.
the real info starts at 1020. I'm moving on bcs it's not sustainable.
looked like Japanese beatles.
I hope with your info as well as the Boogie Brew guy Josh. I can grow nice natural non pest infested California Tomatos also 🙂 I bought myself some 100% pure Neem oil from my local grow store. Now Im going to order some plant safe mild natural soap. Ive been pretty careful not to use bad chemicals so far so I dont really want to go dumping any old dish soap onto my plants at this point x)
Please tell me how long do I wait to eat the veggies after they've been sprayed with the neem & soap?
OMG. Get to the point!!
if my dad gave me money for snails I would have started a small snail farm !
Joseph was able to put away SEVEN YEARS of food away in 7 years without the stupid modern ag business!
Get off your soap box. You sound like a cure all peddler. Dr John's Medicinal Cure All.
Super interesting and informative, but found an Indian lady on here that gave 3 great natural tips in under 3 minutes.
Does Neen oil kill leaf miners ,inside the leaf ? It's the first year I have had a bug problem…the whole neighborhood seems to have the problem .We had a warm winter this year. I wonder if that had anything to do with it .
More Josh is great! Love learning about this stuff! Have a question about other pests this solution will treat? Webworms???
Yeah, it's old. But timeless; get yourself a copy of " The Secret Life Of Plants" and even more so, it's sequel: "Secrets Of The Soil" (Homeopathic soil treatments! That work! Crazy well! WAY bigger, healthier yields! Seriously!)
32+ minutes of unscientific, unproven bullshit.
he talks too much…
ludicrous prices on their website, buy products off amazon or organic suppliers instead, bye bye john
A dollar for every snail in my garden would look like a democrat spending plan. Oh, and the bugs on the tree collards are Harlequin bugs. They love to eat regular collards and kale too. Nice infomercial for boogie boy though.
After watching your video getting your girlfriend's patio garden going, I'm inspired to start my own patio garden. Among the many things you suggested that I'll follow, I fear attracting ants that will move from the vegetables to my apartment. What could I do to prevent ants?