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Is it harmful to use synthetic nutrients? Is organic truly the only way to GROW? The garden sage weighs in. Find the full episode @
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Organic Is The Only Way To Grow? – Synthetic Vs Organic

| Hydroponic Gardening | 20 Comments
About The Author


  • Musgo

    I use compost tea, composted leaves with food scraps, worm castings and just regular of the shelf miraclegro universal fertilizer and I'm growing incredible looking, healthy plants for a fraction of the cost of any organic fertilizer, I'm just tired of the fanatic organic gardeners, they are the equivalent of the Jehovah's witnesses of gardening.

  • HiiiPower

    Imagine thinking you're growing good cannabis using synthetics lul. No shit the nutrients came from natural sources, where else would it come from? Extract sugar from fruit and guess what, it's terrible for human consumption. The lack of logic and common sense is ridiculous, probably a Michigan grower

  • Mister Blint

    Unfortuneately this guy making any generalizations about synthetics is going to be flawed – recent studies have shown that the synthetics provide WAAAY mor nutrients than any plant can use and that they are not consistent in what is included in the bottle. Most of this is wasted and goes into the environment (BAD) – Using sustainable methods are best and unfortunately most (but not all) of the synthetics are not sustainable. I have heard people criticize organics for being potentially unhealthy …and if they are not used as intended they certainly can be, but synthetics are certainly not healthier. Organics are not the only way to grow, but they are more sustainable and better for the Planet,

  • braf zachland

    we would prefer you don' promote synthetic commercial grows with machine trimmed buds featuring shills with an agenda contradicting themselves in the video. your channel blows, i am sure you recognize my name by now. i have no real issue mixing a little synthetic with organic but this clown is all synthetic with a sprinkle of organic, prolly so he can say he uses both when in reality he is using a ton of salts so fuck off buddy. the target audience for that shitty bud is suburban housewives trying to relive their youth who think if it looks pretty and smells nice it is good bud, not connesuers or ppl in the culture, especially breeders and craft gorwers. do you not have a clue how much damage all the salt ferts do when you friggin have large commercial grows using them and letting the run off so into soil or down the drain into public waterways? have you not heard of the algea blooms in the delta etc… you capitalist scumballs make me sick

  • braf zachland

    disgrace, contradictions left and right. i mean he says it can be difficult to assure micronutients in organic grows which in some small way is true, but then he says th solution is to get the main N-P-K from salts…what a dope. if anything i would use a synthetic micronutrient if my organic grow showed defficiency. i seriously hate this channel. all they do is promote green rushers and mass synthetic grows with mechanically trimmed buds. fuck off!!

  • Ped Clarke

    "this is like some super organic natural stuff" shaking a bottle of snake oil!
    Thats some deep info right there…. No mention of "chelation", amino, fulvic, humic etc….
    "organic" means derived from organisms in horticulture. (or a carbon containing molecule in the chemisty sense).
    Even phosphoric acid is approved for "organic cultivation"
    It is neither organism derived nor carbon containing.
    Use soluble salts but dont kid yourself that a few drops of amino acids and molasses makes your product truly "organic".

  • Brandon g

    if your having issues with organic gardening clearly you aint using the right amounts of certain amendments and probably zero azomite or rock dusts because anyone who grows organic and has it down knows that other than a little burn when first introduced organics will hardly ever cause any deficiencies whatsoever not even micro. my plants are so healthy they will actually stay almost 100% green at harvest (and smoke great still) unless i flush the soil really good 4 or 5 days before im ready to harvest , and not stay green and produce the dark green nasty tasting shit your plant putss off with too much N in flower either

  • Lchavez 1989

    Never had a bad organic nugs like never! But just come and take a look at dispensarys here in Denver co and as a grower i can tell you they all suck and are salt base or "chemical fertilizer"… I grow organic cannabis old school and I get better results than all this kids growing with fancy nutrients lines!! Its all in the soil