OpTic Gaming Vs TK – CWL DALLAS 2017 – Winners Finals GAME 1 – Optic Vs Team Kaliber dallas final
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Video Rating: / 5
Nice tk
Stupid nerds
What sensitivity do they use?
When the announcer only roots fr optic
Fuck the commentary they about to suck optic out fuck they must be big optic fan it's fucken annoying man they should be fair man
All optic fans r the most toxic ones. Lol optic is bad #tkallday
#tk all day, chino the G
Still not better than RB6.
Rip scump
It’s pleasant to see optic fans supporting Tk cause during the streak holy shit it was toxic from both sides more so optic tho
TK=team kill?
12:30 wtf that kid is like wetting himself
Tbh I would make optic my fav team but their fan base is just pure aids
Kosdff at 40:46 lol
One of the host sound like radio host Peter Rosenberg on the micheal Kay show
I like optic but I heard the bitched about getting killed by the FG-42 and machine pistol so that is why they both got nerfed for everyone. Seems the owners cater to pro players. Can’t stand gun buffs and nerfs. No more fun factor in COD anymore.
they have a fookin commentator for cod XD lmfao