Come along with Dr. Storey as he opens up the Bright Agrotech greenhouses (both aquaponic and traditional soil) in the morning. http://brightagrotech.com – T…
A stundly sliptrap of jimmy crack-jocujibbery. It’s Brass Eye! Episode 3 “Science” and it loves you just as much as you love it. This is part 1 of 3.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
nice clip thanks?
We get bolting because the greenhouse is too hot, also.?
I’ve written down the comprehensive Do-it-yourself aquaponics plan that
every inexperienced can simply use.?
#Video – Gain some insight into what happens each day at the Bright
Agrotech urban farm and #vertical #farm.?
best guide lines?
Question: why bother planting in the ground at all? Of course I realize a
beet probably won’t grow in a tower, but it seems like alot of the veggies
in this vid would grow in an aquaponic system. I’m sure no expert but after
one season of aquaponic experimentation, I levelled by raised beds…?
check this out. ?
Ok! Somebody’s gotta say it! Open toe sandals, tie dye tee shirt, beet in
hand, untrimmed beard , your looking good….but where’s the
Do you use warming pads for your seedlings??
Instead of having to rattle the lines, could you use a spike in water
pressure to clear any plugs??
You mentioned your “High Tunnels” – where do you get them – what source or
brand – rough cost??
New video (again!) – Come along with Dr. Nate Storey as he opens up the
greenhouses. #Aquaponics #UrbanFarming #greenhouse #growingplants
#growingfood #hydroponics #verticalfarming #verticalfarm ?
How did your wife like that big fat beet??
How do you grow so many brassicas in the summer? Here past spring the
brassicas get overrun with grey cabbage aphids
Thank’s for your videos. They are helping a lot. I just have one question,
about the production of letuce/ha or letuce/water gallon in the sistem.
Sorry about my english. Im from Brazil! thak’s
have you used the geo system yet western part of the country having massive
heat wave
Predatory bugs are very mobile and more easily get back to work eating
pests, when knocked off with water. Another thing about wetting plants is
that often predators need to actually drink. They prefer nectar, but just
water is good for them too. In order to minimize the potential for disease,
I always do the water spraying during mid-day in breeze warm dry weather.
Water jet strong mist spraying tips the balance in favor of natural
predators, is very inexpensive and is the most eco-friendly.
I love this channel! You guys inspire us
Hi Ned, we used to use iMovie, but now I’m using Adobe After Effects. Are
you getting into video editing? – Chris
I have an unused channel on youtube with a video on the carrots. search
“nate storey” and my channel should be near the top.
Is the water for the soil-grown veggies from the fish tanks? Great vids!
Thanks. Regards/Bertie
Nate as always… you make the information you share almost like a one on
one Socratic method as if the student were there asking the question and
figuring it out with you…great teaching method/skill set that is
inspiring, informative and bring us all up to a higher level of
understanding that feels personal… When the student is ready… the
teacher appears…. well Prof… your students are here too… LOL.. Thanks
again Nate (and the partner behind the camera) Best Aqua/Agro on the web GW
Glad we can help!
Hi Tracy, That’s a great idea, and a lot of larger hydroponic growers do
use chillers to keep their water temperatures low. I recommend using them
in hot environments like yours!
17 years later and Hugh Dennis looks exactly the same!?
This is the original Borat, duping celebs. Chris Morris, we want you back,
where are you. Yes Tania used to be so hot.?
“A woman has given birth to a two foot testicle”. The fact that that
sentence exists is a testament to this show.?
Double-concentrated genius from start to finish?
the funniest part is that vertical farming is real now?
“fuck me” LOL?
perfect beyond words! ?
It’s a fucking disgrace.?
Brass Eye Episode 3 Science Part 1?
HELLY MELVICK: “It’s like someone sticking a sabre into me and…screwing
it around day and night for six months.” CHRIS: “Fuck me.” I absolutely
This is quite possibly the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.
@IQrow Oh my God.
Eeeehhhhh yeah. Pretty much.
Brass Eye and the Day Today constitute some of the most sane, the most
wise, TV ever made. When Morris came on the scene I cried tears of relief –
here at last was a man with a brain in his head. Wish the christ he was
still making shows. He’s the UK’s Bill Hicks. Both men exposed bullshit by
the sackload and made us cry with laughter as they did so.
Incredibly lazy, lol
London’s top whack quack shack!
How, I didn’t know Hugh Dennis was in Brass Eye. Also, I love the way this
parodies the ridiculous, patronising, over-the-top documentaries that
infest the TV these days…
A stomach full of SHOULDERS?
how was this show possible?! … genius. this man..
3:30 Does anyone else sneak up up their mates, jump out and shout
“Gynasium Babies are often born snapped”.
Hugh Dennis’s attempt at an American accent really cracked me up xD
lolll the fuckin expression on his face at 3:54 i cant stop laughing