Vegetable farming is the growing of vegetables for human consumption. The practice probably started in several parts of the world over ten thousand years ago, with families growing vegetables for their own consumption or to trade locally. At first manual labour was used but in time livestock were domesticated and the ground could be turned by the plough. More recently, mechanisation has revolutionised vegetable farming with nearly all processes being able to be performed by machine. Specialist producers grow the particular crops that do well in their locality. New methods such as aquaponics, raised beds and cultivation under glass are used. Marketing can be done locally in farmer’s markets, traditional markets or pick-your-own operations, or farmers can contract their whole crops to wholesalers, canners or retailers.
Profitable vegetable farming requires attention to all production operations, including insect, disease, and weed control and efficient marketing. The kind of vegetable grown is mainly determined by consumer demands, which can be defined in terms of variety, size, tenderness, flavour, freshness, and type of pack. Effective management involves the adoption of techniques resulting in a steady flow of the desired amount of produce over the whole of the natural growing season of the crop. Many vegetables can be grown throughout the year in some climates, although yield per acre for a given kind of vegetable varies according to the growing season and region where the crop is produced.
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no all the crops are nice and I like it no matter what they said I sana
Where is the technique?
pantalu ila pandithe bagundu
Wow what beauty full world
or tum apny perwerdigaar ki Kon Kon si naimat ko jhutlaogy….
this is amazing..yrr
so nice fruits farming…
54xnyuxjviglnkcudogpcuvkxu kxifpvkdlbjvhvhclz
Very very beautiful farming
vswas meena
wooooooo sooooo nysss
It raises a question. If this technique is special then why not tell how it is done and where these pictures were taken. Pictures of Bitter-squash and Squash shows wooden stick supports everywhere but do not show vines from ground to the trellis. Can't tell if this just a Photoshop to entice people to view thereby making income on every click.
mashallah subhaan Teri qudrat
new film
massa Allah
i love it