I am excited to share with you the results of not giving up on gardening. I learned a great lesson that a few seconds a day on a task saves you hours of work…
I am excited to share with you the results of not giving up on gardening. I learned a great lesson that a few seconds a day on a task saves you hours of work…
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Those tomato plants look so healthy! Are you wrapping the twine around the
plant or attaching to the plant with clips or what?
Great looking beds. Nice and tidy. Thank you for sharing.
Nice clean looking bed…great job. What type of string are you using? Last
year I grew my tomatoes vertically using a kite type of string. Mid way
thru the season, on a windy day, most of the strings broke. I did a good
job of winding the tomato plants around the string, but a bad job of
pinching off sucker. SO, the combination of extra weight and wind was
enough to break my strings. So this year I will be using stronger string
(maybe even rope)
Great looking garden! Never give up!
Please search my channel for “Vertical Gardening” to see my videos for more
info. I am wrapping the vertical twine around the plants. So I do not need
to buy or use any clips.
Wonderful encouraging video.
Your peas are awesome! Thanks for the video. Keep up the good work.
I couldn’t help it, I just had to. Check out my video response for your
Mittleider garden. No offense, I just had to show you what I was talking
about in my comment a couple weeks ago. I just uploaded this video: Quick
Garden Update – Huge Peas!
Yup, everything I use is approved for organic gardening by the USDA, just
like the organic food you buy in grocery store or farmers market.
If you want to step-by-step Mittleider Gardening Course book you can buy it
as a pdf download for $14.95 or paperback for $19.95. Either way use this
link then select which format you want
well it could be alot worse, you could be out in the middle of nowhere and
string 7 acres of land of green beens plant onto those inferno things.
grow food web site to me is a mixed up store. Which is it? The Mittleider
Course for over $200 as seen on Amazon, or the book for $49 etc, the
downloads? I have no idea what I am getting.
Is this Organic?
Loves those beans looking good
Looks awesome man. Thanks for sharing.
Wow you never seem to amaze me with this wonderful green thumb you have. I
love it, it looks wonderful and Im sure you will enjoy the fruits of your
labor because you did not give up!