This is the second update of my Mittleider gardening method for my winter garden. I am very pleased with the growth and production of the garden. I share a t…
All you need to know to grow your own organic food and be sustainable. Jan 3-9th 2011, Sydney, Australia – created at http://animoto.com.
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How do you sprinkle the weekly feed in the box when the plants are so
large, such as the cabbage and broccoli? Thank you.?
You must be very please with the winter veg that your seeing materialise,
well done?
As my over-all impression, your presentation is perfectly nice. You did a
healthy garden. Thanks for sharing your brilliant gardening methods and
advices. I really learned a lot from it!?
With all of the rain we have gotten my back yard very gooey because of our
gumbo soil. I have 4 of my 8 4X12 beds to turn & pre-plant fertilize, and
one of my 2X10 also. It would be nice to have both Sat. & Sun. rain free,
but I think this Sun. is 70% chance of rain. Setups are going much slower
than I wanted due to our rain….
I share it with neighbors, friends and family.
I’ve been gardening for years and you put this whole garden together in
very short order and it looks fantastic.
Put dryer sheets by your beds. Mice hate them! Also wondering if you
entertained before transforming your backyard, how you do it now? Do you
miss having a conventional “backyard”? You’re giving me the itch to get
out and garden but it’s in the 20’s at night here! Brrrrrrr.
im sorta doing that :).. you work is very inspiring..
Thanks for the informative vids! How you preserve the extra bok choy?
What do you do when you have more than enough food to feed your family? Do
you freeze and pressure can it? Thanks!
You are right. If I did I would probably try sprinkling food grade
diatomaceous earth on the ground around my plants.
Thank you. My hope is that I put out valuable information at no cost to
everyone in the world how has access to YouTube. I do know people who have
saved my videos onto DVDs and put them in their prepping library.
wow, your backyard has made a great transformation since i started watching
your vids when you talked about keeping birds out of the blueberries and
your bee setup. you should be proud of what you accomplished. i hope to
have my backyard plan up and running this spring. thanks for sharing.
What did you do about the mice?
Looks a lot like the raised beds in Mel Bartholomew
I couldn’t either. They don’t sell it in Texas. I use 13-13-13. The results
speak for themselves. See if you have that where you live. If you do use it
just like you would if you had 16-16-16.
Do you have a video on the weekly feed.. I was looking but didn’t see one!
We have planted several things and I am excited about this Mettleider
method… my beds are 3 feet wide, I thought they were 4 but they are 3.. I
am bugged about all the wasted space inbetween though! Thanks for all your
Wow, it looks great. I am glad to see it all doing so well.
I use three organic pesticides. Food grade diatomaceous earth, BT and Neem
oil depending on the problem.
Man, you have one busy garden. How do you find the time to do all this?
I see you don’t battle slugs, you are lucky!
It was suggested to me to mix 50/50 rolled oats and dry wall powder and put
it in a dish for them to eat. It was also suggested to me to use a small
bowl or lid with peanut on the rim and anti-freeze in the container. I
would think both would work.
What do you use for bugs? Also I love the way you made complete use of your
I don’t think so. I think it is pretty normal. But since I am in the garden
and have sweet greens for them to eat I see their impact more than others.
I’m ready to plant seeds, but an’t find the 16-16-16 anywhere to add to the
micro mix…