In today’s episode we start building the farms we have been desperately needing for a while! Wheat, Carrot & Potato Farm!
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Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! I want to read all comments and make better videos. Thanks for watching!
U are very committed to YouTube your videos are amazing but you can get so much more views if you get your tags just right cause when I look up ur name a cant even find it
25:15, NOOOOOOOO, you should not scare/worry me like that.
WARNING: This comment contains sarcasm.
13:30 What are you talking about, you totally need more iron.
Hey could some of you go check out l33azza he's a you tuber that tells stories about his life
You are the best youtuber ever
good video C-luv
how did you get back down to 3 levels??
Go see mumbo jumbo for redstone trick ;)
Maybe, at the bottom of the farms, you could put a water elevator to transport everything back up. And good luck with finals!
Awesome video! I haven't talked much because school just started, but I will be catching up on the videos! :D
400 sub special face reveal plz
I love the farm too I'll be putting it in my world a some point. I still have to make a few other things and get a direct route to my skeleton farm.
Also i live in California just so u know also can we maybe do videos i am going to get an elgato gaming i cluv u
Hey cluv do u belive in jesus just wondering and im sick
Cluv y u no reply to me anymore
i love the farm bro
Awesome Building Cluv also great episode :)
Love the new farm can't wait to see it work. I sent you a design on twitter that you might like
Awesome video :)