Michael Jakob, “Landscape Architecture and the’New Universal'”
Michael Jakob teaches landscape history and theory at hepia, Geneva, and design aesthetics at HEAD, Geneva. He is a visiting professor at the Politecnico di Milano and the Mendrisio School of Architecture. At the same time, he is Professor (Chairman) of Comparative Literature at the University of Grenoble. Jakob’s teaching and research focuses on landscape theory, aesthetics, history of vertigo, contemporary perception theory, and architectural poetics. He is the founder and principal of the international comparative literature journal COMPAR(A)ISON, and the editor-in-chief of the mountain culture series “di monte in monte” (Edizioni Tarara’, Verbania). He has produced several documentaries for television and has long-term experience as a broadcast reporter. Michael Jakob recently published: 100 Paysages, Infolio, Gollion 2011; asp Architecture du paysage, Infolio, Gollion 2012; Mirei Shigemori e il nuovo linguaggio del giapponese, Tarara’, Verbania 2012; Swiss style in landscape architecture, Tarara’, Verbania 2013/Phoenix Space, Tianjin 2015; La poétique du banc, Macula, Paris 2014/Sulla Panchina, Einaudi, Turin 2014/The Bench in the Garden, Oro Editions, Bay Area 2017; Cette ville qui nous caree, b2 éditions, Paris 2015/ Dall’alto della città, Lettera 22, Siracusa 2017. Jakob is the curator of international exhibitions and author of landscape documentaries (Chiappetti o il paradiso perduto, RAI, 2014, and Capri: a lezione di paesaggio, 2016). .
Shocking how few people are sitting in on this lecture.
As a landscape designer, I found it refreshing to hear the importance of the humanistic element in design and the vital cognitive sense it plays in a successful project. The landscape is like a book that unfolds itself the more you delve into it. This is when we fashion our own imaginative impression into the story we see in front of us. It is indeed a discipline that brings much joy and fulfillment.
Dubai-azation. Love it
One of the best talks I have heard, wow doesn't it make you think.