On this week’s Two-Minute Tips, how to make straight planting rows to maximize the space in your vegetable garden.
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Two years ago, poison ivy appeared in my yard. How can I get poison ivy removed from my yard without hurting anything?
Thank's, Travis! I've always used the stake and string method – I'll have to give the aim and drive method a try now that I have a wheel hoe!
Hmmmmm… I am beginning to wonder just how much good gardening sense and basic in ground gardening techniques have been lost, no longer used because of, what I will call, a generational pause, in those who actively garden. Our parents and grandparents gardened using methods passed down and taught to them by their parents, etc. But new generations who are getting into gardening do not have those memories and when methods like using stakes and a sturdy sting to marl off straight rows dawns on them, its like they just made a great discovery that no one had ever seen or done before.
My dad had to metal stakes about 2’ long. On one was wound maybe 200’ of heavy nylon rope that he used to mark off his garden rows. It was important then, for him, to space his garden rows just right to allow room for whatever was his current method of tilling and or cultivating the soil between the rows. It was not a small scale, back yard garden. It was building lot size and sometimes we had as many as 4 gardens that size each summer.
After setting the line in place to mark off a row, my dad used a push plow to create planting furrows for corn, potatoes and green beans. He would even use his stakes and rope to space rows for tomato plants. For direct sowing smaller seeds, he would set the stakes and nylon rope for my mom who then used her well worm hoe blade to create a furrow. Sometimes she even used the wooden handle end of the hoe to make a more shallow furrow. After seeds were planted, mom would always come through using once again, that well worn how, to cover the corn, potatoes, beans or other vegetables planted from seeds.
If you are getting into gardening but dont have that handed down wisdom because gardening skipped a generation or two, seek the knowledge of those older gardeners who are still gardening. If you are luck enough to still have those treasures in your family, embrace them and learn all you can. The everyday skills of our ancestors are being lost. Don’t let it happen. Your life might depend on them someday.
I have recently found your channel and have since watch many many episodes. Your content is so good. I’ve learned so much and you have great products. I’ll be definitely making a purchase for my community garden.
i use the string on the first row and walk off all the other rows using my hoss seeder with the bed marker attached even if I am not seeding with the seeder.
What no drone with a laser beam? If yer rows are crooked, sip a little white lightning and they'll straighten right up………….
Travis I can't see after them white legs blinded me. As always very good stuff for the gardener thanks!
I like
Shonuff some pretty legs
Wow, I've never seen anything like that. It was really interesting.
Pappy said you can get more plants in a crooked row … lol
very good