How to make a free grow bag for vegetable gardening that is porous and allows the roots to grow well and wicks up water from the bottom.

I also made a simple PVC trough that cost a few dollars The bag was free as I used the bag my dirt came in. It was per bag for the topsoil at Home Depot.

I was inspired by watching the videos on Larry Halls channel where he has been getting good results using 50 cent Walmart tote bags to grow his vegetables in.

His channel is here

I only have a small balcony to plant in with not much full sun,but enjoy experimenting a lot. In addition to these free bags,I will be making small grow bags from landscape material and using a hot glue gun to see if I can seal them up and will be posting the video results soon.

This is an experiment. I am not sure if it is going to work. I add more videos every week and will be posting updates to this video as time passes.

If you want to have a garden but are limited in your space and income, I hope my videos will have helped.

I add new DIY, tightwad, outdoor, prepper, cooking,fishing,frugal film making, and other types of videos on my youTube channel every week.

Thanks for watching. I love making and sharing YouTube videos on the gadgets I create and the things I do.

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by Robb’s Home Made Life

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part 2 sweet potato leaves for food on the balcony experiment -algae & plant growth

Hester Martz tightwad potting plants method

Balcony vegetable gardening with grow bags made from landscape cloth and glue gun

Make free DIY self watering grow bag for vegetable gardening Larry Hall inspired.

Video Rating: / 5

Make free DIY self watering grow bag for vegetable gardening Larry Hall inspired.

About The Author


  • Mon S

    Hi, Thanks for sharing your ideas. As I was watching this, I immediately thought of the Miracle grow potting soil mix bag. Since it got 3 or 6 months-depends on which bag- of fertilizer added, it would be the most ideal grow bag for the lazy method. I'll try it and give a report by the end of this growing season. :)

  • Grower in Dhaka

    Hi there Robb! I loved this video and will be giving this a try. I am a 3 month old gardener and right now looking for free containers just like yours! 

  • Tony Beadle

    First of all, Thank you for sharing this tip, and now you will have to excuse my ignorance as I have never grown anything in my life except a couple of children, now why put holes all over the side of the bag then stand the bag on its end in the water, and how long does the water last ? thanks

  • Guy Fawkes

    Hey could you please do a follow up video of your results at the end of the season? Also you may try any of the winter crops that do well with low light, try potatoes they're always fun.

  • fatoldladyinpjs

    Brilliant!  Willem von Cotthem on YT says even the poorest people in third world countries can grow things with soil and a plastic bag.  He also uses milk cartons tipped on their side and stuff that people throw out to grow plants.  Soil at Walmart is cheap right now, $1-2 for a large bag for plain old topsoil no frills.

  • Lydia Choisser

    Rob if you want to grow more check out on YouTube the pop bottle grow towers you can grow all the way around your balcony and that way you can grow more things.

  • grandma lynda

    if you punched the holes on one side of the bags put them in the water laying down and then slit the top so you could fold back the flaps and plant the seeds that way would it work do you think? I have cats who would not down the bags if they stand the way you have them.

  • Sheds Direct

    Making this self watering grow bag are worth trying for. These ideas are also applicable for those who have limited space and who wants to grow their own foods and this is even good in income generating. Thank you for this helpful video! 

  • Robb's Homemade Life

    Hello Ayca, good luck and good health in your new home.
    Wombatistan sounds interesting, I remain living here in Outer Alligatorinia.
    My clamps did not work as I was using left handed ones.

  • TheEWYFSFridge

    lol Robert – starting the house move to a new country called Wombatistan tomorrow. See you on the other side, hopefully with some *real* wombats, soon 😉 Your clamps made me LOL in this vid! 😀 m/

  • Robb's Homemade Life

    Thanks! The shallow pool balcony garden has turned out very well.I am eating greens every day now with no work except watering.
    hey, how is the wombat doing? I really like your intro video with your collection of art over time and the background music. It is visually hypnotic.

  • ConcernedMushroom

    great video! if you don't have enough room to garden on your patio maybe you could try looking for a local community garden…they seem to be popping up everywhere around here (FL) and they are lots of fun.