Building a log cabin with a turf roof in Australia
Follow the steps from start to finish. Made from Aust. Cypress Check out

Log cabin with grass roof (sustainable and energy efficient)

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  • jannevellamo

    @1982FMJ If the building is properly made, that is, off the ground and with a roof that actually keeps water from dripping down the walls, it needs absolutely no chemicals at all. Chemical companies would probably suggest coating the whole thing with cyanide or arsenic, though. If they could make money selling you paint made out of plutonium, they would. In my country these things have been made for a thousand years or more with no need for any but natural paints used for aesthetics only.

  • pkauto

    Thanks for your comment. This was my first video so I apologize for text sometimes being unclear.
    I did a lot of experimenting with a smaller roof before building the cabin and found you need a minimum of 100 mm of soil although in Norway many cabins are using moss .Other than superb insulation the soil also contributes to keeping the logs tight. I would use as much as the strucyure and footings can handle safely. Cheers

  • pkauto

    I agree to an extent, however i wouldnt call 150 x 300 milled timber as boards and every corner (saddle notched)
    is done by hand.If we had modern tools to simplify this type of construction 100 years ago I think we would have used them. The critical work is the notching which as mentioned was painstakingly done by hand.
    Even in Norway these days the chainsaw is widely used.
    Appreciate the comment.

  • pkauto

    Thanks for your inspiring comment!
    All excess water not absorbed by the soil is guided down both sides onto garden beds and trees( which thrive ). Im in northern victoria

  • DrLsw

    oh thats cool i want to buy a peice of property and build a cabin on it with woods and cows so i can just get my own food im saving up for it now so when i move i'll have enought money to buy the property. you must spend alot of time in that cabin i like how its got the stones and trees next to it

  • pkauto

    Firstly its environmentally friendly , second it has extremely good thermal properties . Its a nice feeling having a living roof over your head
    Many countries , I believe Germany and China are among those promoting this type of roof construction.

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