INDIA'S GOT TALENTI wonder if Smriti Irani (HRD minister who wants German replaced with Sanskrit in schools) has watched this…
Ravi, a young Gujarati boy, now known as the Lingo Kid all over the internet, sells peacock feathers his grandmother makes to tourists at Mumbai's Hanging Gardens. He was eight when he started selling feathers and could not speak English. In a few years Ravi could rattle off a sale in more languages than the former Pope – and with a faster tongue and sharper accent. He's full of fun facts too, such as the seasons in which various nationalities prefer to travel. Spaniards and Italians he says, love to visit Mumbai in the monsoon.
When he was interviewed again by the same Englishman named Sammy a few years later, he goes on record to say that he didn't want to go to school, because there he could learn just English, whereas out on the street he's picked up 10 different tongues.
If the ingenuity of Mumbai's street hawkers and pavement peddlers needed a poster boy, Ravi the Lingo Kid would be it.
This is not a talent or a gift. It's called a skill. And hopefully he takes his skills and makes a ton of money as an international translator for a career. Big money in that stuff.
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+Dushyant Kshatriya hyacha kadhe classes lav 😛
whoa….. that's is so amazing ….. ahhhh…..I've got jealos because  he knows how to speak in different languages….. I hope that you will  teach me……
INDIA'S GOT TALENT I wonder if Smriti Irani (HRD minister who wants German replaced with Sanskrit in schools) has watched this…
Ravi, a young Gujarati boy, now known as the Lingo Kid all over the internet, sells peacock feathers his grandmother makes to tourists at Mumbai's Hanging Gardens. He was eight when he started selling feathers and could not speak English. In a few years Ravi could rattle off a sale in more languages than the former Pope – and with a faster tongue and sharper accent. He's full of fun facts too, such as the seasons in which various nationalities prefer to travel. Spaniards and Italians he says, love to visit Mumbai in the monsoon.
When he was interviewed again by the same Englishman named Sammy a few years later, he goes on record to say that he didn't want to go to school, because there he could learn just English, whereas out on the street he's picked up 10 different tongues.
If the ingenuity of Mumbai's street hawkers and pavement peddlers needed a poster boy, Ravi the Lingo Kid would be it.
Here begins the Indian entrepreneurship.Am sure London School of Economics will never get it.Â
I will purchase the child and place him in school!
His Japanese is pretty muddled up….
Solo vine por el segundo 20
kids name is Ravi Kumar.. video is old.. he is much older now
What he says in French doesn't make any sense :/
ever memorize something? so did he.
hes on his way to answer my phone call about my shitty internet connectionÂ
Just imitating…
This is not a talent or a gift. It's called a skill. And hopefully he takes his skills and makes a ton of money as an international translator for a career. Big money in that stuff.
the real slum dog millionaire
He's awesome
he is going viral on whatsapp
wowww what a talent.
India has talent – May God bless him with better life 🙂
Can anybody provide me his contact information if any. Just want to reward him for being a unique talent. I am located in US.