Catching up on things that have happened over the summer while I was mostly too busy to create updates. Things like… I quit my job!
My off grid power system info – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXyjZAbynIM
My Tiny House cost info – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDeToB2zilw
A backpacking trip in the mountains near here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be1soJXcBp8
If you are new to my channel and Fy Nyth in general, welcome! I’m Ariel. I live off grid (as in no physical connection to public utilities) in a tiny house on wheels in the mountains of western Wyoming. I’ve been living this lifestyle for the past three years now and love it! What will you find if you follow my channel and watch my videos?
Real life here. I try to show the good and the bad. The ups and the downs. What works, and what doesn’t. The parts I love (most of it!), and the things that suck. Not just the showroom version of a tiny house, but everyday life in a tiny house. Not just the romantic idea of “homesteading” or off grid life, but the everyday details of this lifestyle. I split my own wood for heat, carry my water by hand, and attempt to grow as much of my own food (there’s cooking videos too!) as I can between the weather and wildlife here. I hope to help others learn from my mistakes and make life just a little easier for anyone else interested in pursuing a similar lifestyle.
I live in a somewhat harsh and cold climate, but enjoy the stunning sceanery and wildlife that I am surrounded by on a daily basis. You’ll also see videos of of the nature and wildlife around my home. If you are interested in my photography or purchasing a photo, I’d love if you follow that over at Facebook.com/ArielCelestePhotography or ArielCelestePhotography.zenfolio.com!
For a bit of my background, as a child, I was fortunate enough to be able to spend much of my free time exploring and playing in the woods. Little has changed now that I’m older I suppose. I moved to a place with a bigger woods and still enjoy spending my time outside gardening, hiking, exploring, and photographing the natural world around me. As the eldest of seven children who grew up in a homeschooling family, I had the opportunity, not always appreciated at the time, to learn to do quite a bit of work. I’ve enjoyed a wide range of jobs, everything from greenhouses and flower arranging to wilderness therapy with teens, to milking cows. Mostly, I enjoy doing the kinds of things that I think provide a real service or value to others. Some of my other hobbies include backpacking, hosting people, cooking, preserving food, anything to do with nutrition, reading, journalling, and sitting around a fire and talking to my close friends.
Follow my house on Facebook for lots of other details at facebook.com/pg/FyNyth or on my blog at FyNyth.blogspot.com!
Check out a few of the videos below to catch up on what goes on here!
For lived in Tiny House Tour – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfc8_29Y6rs
For a detailed kitchen (my kitchen is a big part of my house!) tour – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6qiNrIfCjw
How I bought my tiny house and all the details on price and financing – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDeToB2zilw
A look at my house through the seasons for an idea of the kind of climate I live in – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U53EnSVKLQ
Video Rating: / 5
Awesome! So encouraged by you and your channel!
Buy Bitcoin & Ethereum and you will be free for life.
How tall are you?
Just watched this (12-2) so hoping everything is still working out financially for you.
I quit serving for the same reason. It got me through college and I bounced. I didn't like the job always, but I made lots of friends and that's why I was able to do it for so long.
Congrats! I hope you weren't the employee that was choked by the owner! That was pretty crazy.
Thankyou for sharing you life with us.I'am a new subscriber. I like learning from your experienced all your tips. Anyway,Takecare. Carrie
Thank you for sharing, inspiring. I quited my job at a gun store about 3 months ago. For awhile it was like working in a candy store. Wrong! I love guns but doesn’t mean I love working in that environment. Sometimes we need to remove ourself from a situation. Bless you from New Zealand.
Wow, it blows my mind how much you look like my oldest daughter.
Good for you!!!! God Bless and be happy!!!
I'm in love with that wood stove! Where'd you get it?
Very inspiring! Just found your channel and subscribed. Take Care
How did you expose yourself to being available for these off jobs? I'm intrigued
Thank you. Inspiring. And no children. Smart lady.
Are you Married?
I think what you are doing is basically a country living but you are more isolated because of the remoteness of your house and you are living by yourself. You grew up in a small town playing in the woods thats why you could put up with this lifestyle. City girls and boys should NOT try this as they will be bored to death and end up moving back to the city. It's really pleasant to watch your video but honestly i would never live in a tiny house in such a remote area with snow and extreme cold. I love and enjoy watching your lifestyle there but I know very truly its not for me.
You could make money with your wildlife photo's
Hi Ariel! One thing is for sure: I have never had a boring day in my life! Somehow I suspect you are immune too… As long as you make as much as you need, being free to choose what you do with your time, that's just plain great.
Now, I know just too well what it means when feet hurts like mad. I managed to find a kind of shoes which at least made it possible to stand up to cook and do such things. Little by little feet healed thanks to them. They have a kind of air sole and they have been a true blessing. My old pair are falling to pieces after many years of daily use and I'm looking for a new one. It seems they are sold under a new name, but I'll post a link when I have the correct one if it's OK with you.
i'm 42 yrs old man. apart from working/inspering kids and working with elderly care none of the other jobs were fun.
i can't believe the waitress pay situation in america not to get paid more than 2 USD / hour.