This animated music video teaches garden vocabulary in Spanish including insects, earth, vegetables, fruits, sun, air, etc. Have fun and leave your comments!
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Can you make a video about words in space, for example planets, stars, astronaut, black hole, Galaxy…thanks!!
Love this video, I'm sure my students will love it, you are very popular in my class, they always request songs with Basho:) I would like a video with vocabulary about school and classroom items (Utiles escolares)if possible…Thank you so much for these amazing videos:)
LOVE this new video!! Could you do one about hobbies/pass times (playing sports, playing instruments, etc)
Like your videos
hey love your videos! liked and subscribed please check out my channel!
You are such a great Mom!!
I just subscribed, I'm from the PNW too! What area? I'm 1 hour north of Seattle and I also do gardening videos with my 2 kids and more!
Hello! I work for a lawn, garden, pet company in Boise, Idaho. We develop a few proprietary products and would love to discuss them with you. If you are interested, let me know. We love your videos! Our web site is (it needs some love, and we are in the middle of a relaunch). If you like what you see and think we could work together shoot me an email from the Ask An Expert page.
BTW – I came across your page from CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY.
Beautiful family!(-: LOVE the joy and happiness…..
You're amazing and I love your videos!! 🙂
Super job Misilla!
This is so cute! I really like it!
Love you sweetness and your videos great looking family and lots of fun and interesting information Thank you for sharing your life with us
Love the new trailer! I'm so glad I came across your channel!
That's a great clip +Learn To Grow 😀
Nothing like a few smiles with the morning coffee 🙂
Have a great one..
loved the intro!
Love it! How'd they grow up so fast? My goodness they're growing faster than any of your gardens. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂
Very helping channel, and Awesome Intro!
Very helping channel, and Awesome Intro!
Nice intro! 🙂
I love this Chanel intro ! If you have not already make sure to check out this great Chanel !
I'm planning on changing the trailer for my channel, very soon. This one is short and sweet. I like it and I'm also learning to grow! Great job! Thanks
Looks great!