Start them young! Kids can and should be outside every day. One way to teach your children to be responsible, healthy, and eco-friendly is to have them start a garden. Amanda from shows how she gardens with her one year old in their “kids only” garden.
Video Rating: / 5 Each kid gets a bed for planting veggies, herbs, and flowers for the summer. They’re responsible for weeding, watering, planting, & harvesting.

Kids in the Garden – Planting Peas with a 1 year old

| Gardening Education | 1 Comment
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  • Barbara Hoyer

    This #earthday  start a garden with your kids.

    Tips for Gardening with Kids

     – Kids need to understand that plants need space to grow. That little zucchini seed turns into a plant that needs about 2 feet of space and then some in the garden. Carrot seeds planted on top of each other need to be thinned unless they’re spaced out to allow for growth.

    Talk about how deep to dig the hole. Some seeds can grow with a little bit of soil like lettuce and spinach. Potatoes need a deeper hole, plus dirt/mulch mounded over the top.

    Talk about how tall the plants get. Sunflowers that grow 5 feet tall will shade plants around them, or can serve as a support for bean vines.

    Be prepared to work alongside your kids, and give them space to make their own mistakes. Sure, the carrots are too close together; they can be thinned with the thinnings going into a stock making bag.

    More gardening tips: