Time lapse video of my daughter’s crystal growing kit. Time is at like a million times normal speed filmed over four days. You can get same kit here via Amazon. http://goo.gl/8zVEiD. Note you only get ONE kit, not the three in the picture. Our kit worked okay at first, but then water started to evaporate and wasn’t being drawn up rock to form crystals. We added more hot water periodically to keep the water level maintained and that made all the difference. The rocks the crystals are growing on in this video are about an inch long so this video is a super close up! Not huge crystals, but enough so my six year-old was excited to see changes and wants to show her friends. Filmed with a desk light pointing at crystals with a black hat as background. Cheesy crystal music is a free Youtube selection.
Link to the Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2PxIH6PReE
A Lego Train with a GoPro on it, going through the house and into the garden. TrainGuy’s Lego Train Set 2016. There is about 50 meters of Lego track where the train travels throughout the set.
With the help of friends setting it up.
Link to the Fails video Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSc9jZXHHBA
Video Rating: / 5
My daughter got a crystal growing kit recently. We grew crystals this last week of vacation and filmed the results. Here it is at 1,000,000 times normal speed. #Science #Timelapse
What a track
How long did it take
ramesh k9167714578
I love this
1:02 CUTE ❤
1:31 anyone notice the lizard scurrying off the track?
Abba super ra
The train pic in the outro how much did it cost cause i want to get it
What camera is that
I always wanted to do something like this, but I had Geo-Tracks instead.
Man, I regret never getting the Emerald Night, that is one beautiful engine.
This shows how much our minds are capable of
$150 for all