EZ Gro Deck Garden is available at https://ezgrogardens.com/deck-garden/
The EZ GRO Deck Garden is a self-contained, fully automated, self-watering high density vertical hydroponic growing system enabling home gardeners to grow fresh, nutritious, healthy produce of there choice, with ease.
The EZ GRO Deck Garden is easy to assemble, and simple to run. In fact, once assembled, it runs itself. No more worries about watering your plants while you’re away the Deck Garden takes care of it.
Video Produced by Filmmakers of SA, LLC
contact: filmersSA@gmail.com
website: http://filmmakersofsa.com
Elliott Lamboy and Jessica Costales are videographers in Texas, USA. They work to promote the film industry in Texas and around the world.
FilmMakersofSA is a San Antonio based LLC dedicated to videography in Texas.