James E Wagner Cultivation Corporation (CVE:JWCA) is the only Canadian LP to grow Cannabis using aeroponic technology. What is aeroponics and how does it benefit cannabis THC, CBD and terpene content? Join us for a tour of the company’s Kitchener, Ontario.
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Video Rating: / 5
I am curious as to the make and model of the trim machine used by this LP, can anyone answer that?
Thank you
Pots full of Pot!
Which songs were used for this video?
So.. spray drip then ..
What the fuck? Never saw roots that healthy
Lol so 4500 a pound.
I have found that most head growers are great at talking.
Curious if topping takes away potency and if topped how long until it's healed and bounces back???
Are you working with Namaste Technologies?
Sp hurting
I know what stock I'm buying tomorrow
great video
This video gave me the munchies.