Antarctica still gaining ice, a look at where underwater volcanoes are melting sea ice and why the IPCC didn’t take into account cloud circulation models when doing projections for the continent. Long term 37 year look at global ice concentrations look as they always have. Aerofarms vertical farming using aeroponics for micro-greens.

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IPCC canโ€™t explain Antarctic ice growth , forgot cloud circulation models
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses

Why is Antarctica’s Ice Sheet Growing in a Warming World?

Global Sea Ice
Southern Hemisphere Ice
Vertical Farming system
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IPCC Forgets Cloud Circulation in Antarctica & Vertical Farming Solutions (335)

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  • Stormy Syndrome

    It's still cold out there. The weather channel keeps trying to say our 7 day average has been 70 degrees, but I don't think the temp has reached 65 but one day all month. They're now saying our current temp is 45 but the highest reading I got anywhere in town was 32. I think some numbers are getting twisted. Not that it makes a huge bit of difference in reality, as we tend to deal with whatever temp it may happen to be, but with the sun feeling so warm while the wind keeps it extremely cold, it's easy to feel as though it's warmer than it really is. This area is a confusing area though… the winds are ALWAYS blowing, as the wilderness trail was cut through this area and allows the wind to blow across the Appalachians Unimpeded. So it may just be this area that is seriously confused. Even the birds are pissed. Walked outside to see the Robins on one side of the yard, and blue jays on the other fighting over the bird feeder. Guess I need to install a few more. They're confused, starving, freezing, and pissed at their leader for bringing them back to the North ahead of time. Even the animal kingdom seems to have their own form of politics to get through.


    It will be interesting to see if we get large earthquakes or solar activity followed by more intense lows. When our solar system looks similar to this we have previously had large Hurricanes, Typhoons and large earthquakes like the 2004 boxing day earthquakes and tsunami. I have the proof in my videos. Anyway please take a look at the image and see what happens a few days either side of and on the date shown.

  • Simon Percival

    Hopefully we will see more information explaining the undersea volcanism in Antarctica's west and the curious juxtaposition of that with the growth of ice on and around the continent.

  • The Cringe Network

    Antarctic ice s actually growing from a new layer of fresh water on top of the ocean surface. Fresh water freezes at a warmer temp than salt water. The meat is from Greenland and glaciers

  • Ernest Bush

    Hydroponic solutions have all the nutrients the plant can take up available. It is possible to grow more nutritious and tasty food in hydroponic greenhouse gardening than in the fields where conditions are not as controllable. They can also grow six to ten times the amount of produce in a year than is possible in the field by simply keeping CO2 in the greenhouse around 1200 ppm. Produce from these greenhouses is increasingly competitive with field grown crops because of the sustained high volume of produce and technological advances. Some greenhouse complexes even use organic fertilizers. This type of food production will be one of the more powerful tools for combating hunger in the coming decades.

  • ้’้ฌผTV

    BBC just released a story online today saying last year was warmest on record, and if we don't believe in man-made warming we are all "anti-science"….
    i can't believe they can get away with saying stuff like that. . ..apparently any strange weather is caused by CO2….(yawn)

  • k Bird

    Hydroponic one title wave volcanic ash clouds stop solar panels from working they build it on the lowest lining land . Or in a river bed 10feet below flood level . Ice age ice melt … Snow will build up on top of it. Hi winds. Hail tornados cyclones .. Do you really think it would work… Many under ground on mountain near road rail . And a coal mine so they can burn coal warmth power

  • darthvader5300

    Aeroponics is too dangerously fragile and requires vulnerable inputs. Better re-engineer it into a "Living Machine" systems based on the "Living Machines Principles" of Professor John Todd.

  • Du Fung

    Try pronouncing it Air-O ponics, think Aeration ;P Aeration is the principal by which it oxygenates roots and conserves water as well as keeps the water clean, similar to bubble-ponics with aeration stones.

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