This is a brief introduction of my grow room, I am soon going to be putting up how to videos, as well as showing the positives of urban gardening.
Project America TV focus is on review, promoting Made In USA goods as well as healthy eating choices. Please visit our website at http://www.projectamericatv…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Great start. Can’t wait to see more.?
I like your videos especially your airsoft reviews, but this is good too,
now I feel like I need to start gardening, why dont you go into politics?
Also did you see the documentary forks over knives? I feel like you should
do a video on that?
This is perfect man. The wife has been wanting her a garden, but we too
live in a townhouse and are very limited on space. This I think is going to
work very well on the upstairs outside balcony. Its about 13′ x 13′,
that’s a lot of buckets with healthy eats. Thanks for the tips and your