Watch the rap music video and help Inlet Grove Community High School, a national finalist in the Lowe’s SkillsUSA Social Media Challenge, win the funds to create an art and tower garden learning center on campus. #Lowe’s #SkillsUSA
Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales, Florida
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Super proud of Inlet Grove and all its students, faculty and staff. I hope it continues to improve and make people's lives better one at a time like it did for me. Although many may not know I am very grateful and proud to be an Inlet Grove alumni. Most memorable and important four years of my life so far and you'll be very lucky if you can be consider part of the Inlet Grove family. Congrats on becoming an A school. – Kevin D. (Class of 2015)
fuck ass nigga look like an locked character
Awesome video! #Lowes #SkillsUSA
Awesome job guys!!!! Hope you WIN!!!!!
awww this is soo good you guys did a good job
This is really good!(:
This video was a decent show of how inlet should be keep it up!
"Put it online so all can see."
I love it
Great production Inlet Grove High School! Liking and Sharing to win the Grant for IGCHS. Booyah! Well done!
I love this. Are we going to have a garden?
great job Rakim! love the hook. Thank you to all our friends at #Lowes
I love the video!!! sounds great!
#lowes , this video is very inspirational good job fellow pupils
Great video.these kids impress me more every day. #lowes,
I grew up visiting this place alot, I really miss it. I live in IL now and am craving to see it again.
Bok tower was built by mr Bok, native of Den Helder, the Netherlands… Amazingly most of the people of Den Helder have no idea who he is… I have lived in Den Helder since I was 17, which is 43 years ago, and I never heard of Bok untill I frequented Florida because of attending the Ministry Training College in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida (where the prophets are), as well as spending lots of time in Central Florida, even living in Ocala for a while.
Just got back from this wonderful place. Worth the price of admission. Pay the extra to see the home, it's worth it.
My last name is Bok and my great great uncle Edward William built this tower 🙂
@apsscinc Brilliant!
@AirPhforce no one down voted so what are you even talking about, stop spamming.
There should be a way to retract those ugly lightning rods at the top of the tower during fair weather, and re-extend them when the weather turns south…just sayin'.
Great video. There are many videos of the gardens and the carillon concerts. But there are very few videos from inside the tower and the carillon chamber.
im a bok :p
its very pretty
Only haters downvote.
Looks like the Kham towers in China near the Himilayas in Tibet.
1st view 1st comment i rock