Video Rating: 5 / 5

This video dicussess Valcent’s vertical farming initiatives featuring an interview with Glen Kertz, President & CEO. More video at:
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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Theoretisch k
why don’t they just grow one type of plant in one skyscraper think image a
vertical skyscrapper with just rice think how many countries we can save,
image a corn verticle skyscrapper that can feed hundreds then from there
the world would suck
As innovative as this is, I’d have to agree with danndan6 and say that
those Omega Gardens looked even more impressive. Still, either method of
hydroponic farming could very well become the dominant method of farming in
the future, especially when done in high rises or “farmscrapers”, as the
global population continues to grow and grow while the amount of elbow room
available becomes scarcer and scarcer.
I don’t believe it, its as if I’m not sick of advertising on television, i
have to put up with those greedy bastards here on youtube. That’s what i
get hoping to find an educational video.
Ha ha ha Omega have failed idiots
not as good as omega garden