Indoor Organic Weed Farm with LED Cycle 3 No Till 7

Contact Herbin at ……………………………


Red Wigglers


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***********REGULAR AMAZON SHOPPING*************

**************************DIY LED LIGHTS**************************

Cree CXB 3590 COB……………………………..

Thermal Paste………………………………………

Aluminum Frame…………………………………

solid core wire………………………………………

Wago Connectors…………………………………

Wire Strippers……………………………………….

Drill bit for metal…………………………………..

120 volt Plug………………………………………..

4/40 screws…………………………………………

4/40 nuts……………………………………………….

Driver…………………………………………………………Mean well 185 1050B

Cob Holders………………………………………………………………..cree 3590

***************************GROW GEAR****************************

Purple/Red LED…………………….

Apollo Grow tent………………………………………..

Electric Blanket………………………………………….

Pond liner…………………………………………………..

200 Gallon Fabric Pot………………………………..

Bulkhead Fittings……………………………………….

Plant yoyos……………………………………………

Air pump……………………………………………….

Air Stones……………………………………………

Air Tubing……………………………………………



Carbon Filter………………………………………….

Temp/Humidity Monitor………………………..

*************************HERBIN’S SOIL MIX***********************

2 CuFt Sphagnum moss………………………..

1 CuFt Pumice lava rock…………………………

1 CuFt charged Biochar……………………….

1 CuFt Rice Hulls………………………………….

2 CuFt Humus made of 1/3 Compost and 2/3 Earth Worm
………….Earthworm Casting……………………

******PER CU FT OF BASE SOIL******

1/2 cup organic Neem meal…………………….

1/2 cup organic Kelp meal………………………

1/2 cup organic Crustacean meal……………

1/2 cup organic insect frass…………………..

1/3 cup Gro-Kashi………………………………….

1/3 cup Karanja Meal……………………………………..Sourcing Ingredient

1/4 cup of fish bone meal………………………

3 cups of the Rock/Mineral Mix

******ROCK/MINERAL MIX******

2 part Oyster Shell Flour………………………..

2 part Gypsum……………………………………….

1 parts Glacial Rock Dust………………………

1 part Basalt…………………………………………

1 part Calcium Bentonite……………………..

******COVER CROP******

Barley Straw Mulch……………………………….

Cover Crop Blend………………………………….

Peace Love Respect

Compliant under California Compassionate Use Act 1996, Cal. Health & Saf. Code, § 11362.5 (1996) (codifying voter initiative Prop. 215). Cal. Health & Saf. Code, §§ 11362.7 – 11362.83 (2003) (codifying SB 420).

Indoor Organic Weed Farm with LED Cycle 3 No Till 7

| Vertical farming | 17 Comments
About The Author


  • 123

    Some of the best info on no till i've found. There's tons out there but you are a great teacher and put it all together well dude, thanks a lot. I want to do a huge pot like that but with the 4 plant limit here, wondering if 120 gal would suffice. I may have to start with 20 gal pots for a while. Either way I'll be going pretty close to this, making my own vermicomposter etc, looks great.

  • King Me

    Didn't realize how long you been in the game.Bra your inspiring.I have learned more in the last year than the last 25…yes 25 years ..1 year.Thanks Brother. May I ask why You use the word Aloha? I love it and just wondering if you stay from Hawaii?

  • Johan McCloud

    These are my absolute favorite videos to watch. Your editing, voice quality, intonation, music volume, garden cleanliness, no-till method, etc. make these videos really enjoyable sir.

    I am getting ready for my first no-till run, so I am going through all these seasons taking notes and planning my next grow. Thanks for the worm food recipe!

    Keep up the great work man.

  • Theo Phrastus

    Just down loaded Teaming with nutrients the organic gardener's guide to plant nutrition / Jeff Lowenfels and Teaming with microbes the organic gardener's guide to the soil food web / Jeff Lowenfels & Wayne Lewis ; foreword by Elaine Ingham for free from the NYPLIBRARY

  • Jesse Mole

    Herbin Farmer, Amazing operation my friend!! Simply amazing! A well oiled "Nature Machine" ! Two thumbs up from a fellow grower from Berkshire County MA. Do you have videos from the very beginning with soil/amendment list for those who want to replicate your work? I absolutely love everything about our lady friend and have been studying the many genetic lines recently. I am beginning to realize that even tho I might have an amazing genetic type, the growing method comes into play in regards to taste and quality just as much as the strain. I hope to give it a try someday soon. Will the garden produce indefinitely without replacing the soil ?

  • stiltokin

    Wow Herbin Farmer that canopy looks really nice and I just can't believe how vigorous those plants are growing. Fantastic video and keep up the excellent work. And in about a week I will be starting my second cycle.

  • Brandon Thomas

    Hi Herbin,

    Great channel.  I love the beyond organic NO TILL methods but wonder why you don't use seeds from growers that also practice NO TILL methods?  I believe Ocean grown does not follow NO TILL but I could be wrong.  Also, do you have an good sativa recommendations?  Thanks and keep it up