Let’s take a look at the Pablo lettuce grow. See nutrient concentrations over a grow using the Kratky method. Also, my opinion about hydroponics.

The grow was 7 weeks long.

Seeds started in rockwool.

Grow method/Media: Kratky. Tub/Tote filled with nutrient solution. Styrofoam resting on top of tub. Hole saw Styrofoam to the proper size of net cup. Place seedlings in net cups. Suspend net cups in solution. No air pumps required. And do not add additional nutrients/water! Leave the gap between the surface of the water and the Styrofoam as the plant grows!

Nutrient: Dyna-Gro – Grow. Adjusted nutrient concentration to 700 PPM.

pH: Adjusted to 6.0.

Light: Grow was conducted in the lowest lit area of the grow room under 400 Watt Metal Halide. 12 On / 12 Off.

Production: Ten heads of lettuce. Three pickings.

Good tasting lettuce – does not grow uniform.

I give the grow a rating of 3 out of 5 seeds. Very easy – but subtract 2 seeds because of the uniformity issues of the plant.

Hydroponic Lettuce – Pablo – Kratky Method – Nutrient Concentrations

About The Author


  • Bonnie Tyler

    I am interested in how you have your lights and grow room set up. It looks like a frame work of pvc pipe and what is the cover? How do you get your lights to raise and lower?

  • Kyle Hillier

    Funny you say MHP got you started on hydroponics. I can say you my friend got me started on hydroponics. Really enjoy your vids. Keep up the good work..

  • threedogwrite

    Shame on you…I am forced to rewatch your videos since you aren't uploading as often theswwe days. 🙂 You still can crack me up with this video. Funny and very informative. Thanks and please get busy down in your grow room again.

  • RickKennedyFilms

    Love those pics at end WOW I am like you I want my plants to be perfect shaped, I am new to growing good info on your video very helpful, to me gardening videos are never long because there is so much to talk about if a person is really trying to learn something, I agree about the Pot Growing what a waste of time, I want some food, if a emergency ever happens and people wipe the store out I want to be sitting at home knowing how to grow some food, Pot will not satisfy hungry family, very helpful info on PPM I like hearing about peoples experiences cause I dont have a clue I always go less cause dont want to over do it, I do not have idea spot for growing but I think I can at least grow some lettuce and hoping tomatoes maybe smaller ones might do ok for my setup.

  • rob pinard

    thumbs up for the 420 slam (humorous slam) im trying to grow indoors for the first time ever and the most help ive gotten is from 420 growers but i dont wanna grow og kush lol ….. im am great full for the laugh and the info …. also not judging 420 growers at all in fact they all helped me in one way or another threw out my set up …. so thank you for your time and effort regardless of the crop you grow

  • The Liquid Gardener

    "Sheik John" man the beginning of that video had me cracking up. Excellent info btw. What nutrients were you using if you said it I didn't catch it. 

  • Dan Barry

    thanks for the show.  got two pak choi in Kratky method using Folger Coffee containers in Maxigro 10-5-14 with tap water.  started under a single flourescent on the floor between my buddies cactus seeds and his newly discover carnivorous plants.  Ya get into strange hobbies when you live in Cairo and can' get outside.
    After a month between the characters, the pak choi graduated to a SSE facing window. They keep growing and I keep picking til they are starting to look like vintage Doctor Seuss.  I am convinced its doable so I have 15 gal container I will start shortly.  My apartment window is shaded so I lose direct sun about 2pm.  will suppliment with a grow light.  gonna go for Swiss Chard this time. Yep I need to get a yt up about these.
    thanks for the show!
    ps don't worry about "shorter", yt will cut you off when you get too much

  • Rooi Panda

    Yeah stuff mcds! Putting ketchup on crap and calling it food! I took a burger once and put it on the windowsill and it still looked edible after a week. Nasty radiated, mutated "food".

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