The Hydroponic Fodder as an alternative to conventional method of green fodder production, hydroponics technology is coming up to grow fodder for farm animals. Green fodders produced by growing seeds without soil but in water or nutrients rich solutions are known as hydroponics green fodder. Compared to conventional methods of growing fodder, hydroponic fodder requires lesser space and produces highly nutritious fodder than soil farming.
We are Pioneer in Hydroponic Growing System Since 2010. HiTech Power Systems is technology driven ISO 9000 company that specializes in the development, manufacturing and marketing of hydroponic fodder systems. This system grows SEED TO FEED in 7 DAYS. We offer the right size system to meet your needs at the right price. You shouldn’t have to pay for a system that produces more feed than you need.
Our manufacturing facility is well equipped with all kinds of machines to cater to the requirements of our customers. We have various kinds of cutting, grinding, riveting, welding and pneumatic machines. We invest heavily in our technical staff, as well as our manufacturing, design and research department to provide the best possible product & customer service.
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50 kg per day output wala fodder system mil jayega kya