Learn tips on how to fish with the wooly bugger fly fishing lure in order to achieve the best results when fishing in this free angling instruction video.
Expert: David Dirks
Contact: web.mac.com/dirksoutdoors
Bio: David Dirks is the weekly outdoor columnist for the Time Herald-Record (www.recordonline.com under the Sports section), one the leader newspapers covering the lower Hudson Valley New York area.
Filmmaker: David Dirks
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wet line the fly downstream. cast the fly to the other side of the river, and then let it swing around, then slowly jig it lift and then let it go. as you reel it in or let it stay there. works in faster or slow currents. i use the black bugger, but put a soft glow in the dark bead over the eye of the hook so i can keep track of it at night.. and it improves the fishing alot at night 🙂
I use wooly buggers on my fly rod and my spinning rod. Great for trout when stripping and great for smallmouth drifting or retrieving. It's one of the best lures ever made.
It is a case to case basis when using woolies. for slow steady water, you need to strip them to get the movement. I'd like to cast upstream over rainbows….single split shots, it takes a couple to get them right in the fish face…then it's on.
Dead drifting works equally as well, too. Especially with some split shot in deeper waters.
what size?
Never move the tip like that. That is not how a fly rod works. If you want to do that use a spinner.
This was short, sweet and accurate. Thanks!
The fly was originally designed to look like a hellgrammite
My friends and I were in Bass Pro yesterday and my friend handed me a wooly bugger to use so I took it from him. My other friend came up to me and told me to use a Curly Fuck… Making fun of the Wooly Bugger
what is the best hook to use to tie these?
@eliwoohoo haha whose obsessed with racism? nobody is accusing anyone of racism..
@byrongilliam1 Why are black people always obsessed with racism? This is a video about flyfishing for goodness sake.
@ibangedyomominthebut and why is that?
@byrongilliam1 that would be a wooly burgler
HEY! I didn't learn how to tie it 🙁
Wooly Bugger sounds like a racist term for blacks..(and yes i am black)
Actually, instead of "always" giving the Woolly Bugger some action, Russell Blessing (inventor of the pattern) said he would fish this fly on a dead drift first, to see if it would attract any fish that way. If that didn't work then he would give it action through various combinations of stripping and rod movement. You can fish this fly without working it — it will look alive even in very calm waters. Good vid otherwise, though.
I've had good luck with Wooly buggers on pan fish in Indiana
"it was built for life"……holy crap, I didn't know this video was going to get so deep !!!!!
@wc4dblues no its when your bugger falls on your sweater