Pruning watermelon plants will increase your yield, improve the fruit quality and enhance your plant health. Here I share how I implement the information I’v…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Pruning watermelon plants will increase your yield, improve the fruit quality and enhance your plant health. Here I share how I implement the information I’v…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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great video, thanks?
Though it might be required due to space limitations,
pruning watermelon vines is not generally recommended and (I’m afraid) DOES
NOT improve total yield, fruit size, or fruit quality. The greater the
leaf to melon ratio, the better the fruit. With watermelons, you’d be
better off letting the vines grow really long and allowing ONLY a melon (or
2) per plant to focus all that energy soaked-up by those sun-loving leaves.
Also, consider growing vertically. (Yes, with watermelons!)?
This is awesome! I’m going to give my watermelon some attention to see if
pruning is necessary. Thank you for making this so clear to understand!?
If you trellised them up the wall you would save even more space. I think
having multiple melons per vine could work if you had optimum soil
fertility and a long enough growing season but just like most things having
just 1 will make it bigger. The tendril getting brown/falling off is
certainly not a 100% bet of ripeness. Many times I’ve picked the fruit that
way to only find it pink inside…if anyone knows of a 100% sure fire way
to tell please say because i find it one of the more difficult things to
determine in gardening, hollow sound doesn’t always work either.?
How was the harvest of these watermelons??
Fantastic! Now I understand finally! Thanks!?
David, how many individual plants did you have in that box to get 25
melons? Thanks for the video. I’ll will be pruning my watermelons in the
I also use wild gourd leaf tea for bug repellent for my watermelons. see
nothing in the bug world eats wild gourd leaves so the tea made from them
acts like a bug repellent for your other crop leaves. no use growing
watermelon then drowning it in
I till don’t see which leaves to prune.?
Do you do the same thing for cantaloupe?
I could eat 20 watermelons in one day lol. The gutted bowls after cutting
in half make great bowls to plant in ;)?
Pruning the watermelon vines is NOT a good idea. You are shortening your
production of melons. See
Wrong idea.?
I’m growing around 15 watermelon plants but they are in the ground so they
don’t like to be pruned. but was going to say people don’t need to restrict
them self’s with small variety watermelon to be a successful watermelon
grower! (Dixie Queen, Orange Tender sweet, and Tsilnolystyy) are med/larg.
varieties they do great in cold climates, crappy soils, drought, and just
perfect for beginners!?
you have no idea of what you are talking about……show the end
product….I bet there is none!?
very interesting thanks for that I had no idea you could prune watermelons.
Why do you prune? is it better for the mellon or just a space problem. when
growing peaches I know its best to have no more than 2 peaches per small
branch for the first few years.
Thanks for sharing.
Ps. how big are these watermelons going to get??
What did you use to feed ur melon plant??
Thanks for posting this. We’ve got 7 melon vines in our garden, and we’ve
been going nuts trying to figure out how much to prune or not prune. The
description in the MGC book don’t seem to answer all our questions.
So do you let each sucker that appears grow until it sets a fruit, then cut
the end off? So, in other words, if you have one vine coming out of the
ground, you could have dozens of vines branching off in different
directions, each with its own fruit? Or do you limit each root system to
supporting a certain number of melons, and cut off all new suckers after
you reach that upper limit?
We’re growing Jubilee, Black Diamond, and Crimson Sweet, if those are
pruned differently…?
Did not know that’s hanks?
Thank you for video. We have a problem! We have flowers but do not see
any melons behind the flowers. Are we going to get melons? We live in
Minnesota and there is only about 6 to 8 weeks at the most of warm weather.
What to do, what to do. PLEASE!?
Is this the same method you would use to prune cucumber vines. I was
thinking that mine need to be pruned but I never did and they are growing
very full. This is my husband and my first time growing cucumbers so we
don’t really know much about the care for them. Thanks.?
Thanks David?
fantastic video with great detail. thank you so much for sharing this
valuable information. I grow sugar baby watermelons in southwest florida,
and my last harvest was only 6 melons from 4 plants because I had no idea
how to prune. I’ll be sure to re-visit and re-watch this video again in the
future. thanks again ?
Wish oh wish I could find sawdust and sand. I am so sick of weeds
especially bindweed. There’s just noway to get rid of it that I can find!?
Wonder if you could take the vine past the melon and cause it to root? Then
plant that in another bed a couple of weeks later.?