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Rob Torcellini bought a 0 greenhouse kit to grow more vegetables in his backyard. Then he added fish to get rid of a mosquito problem and before long he was a committed aquaponic gardener. Now his 10 by 12 foot greenhouse is filled with not only vegetables, but fish. And the best part is: the poo from that fish is what fertilizes his garden. Aquaponics combines fish farming (aquaculture) with the practice of raising plants in water (hydroponics). It’s organic by definition: instead of using chemical fertilizers, plants are fertilized by the fish poo (and pesticides/herbicides can’t be introduced to kill pests because they could harm the fish). Since the plants don’t need dirt, aquaponics allows gardeners to produce more food in less space. And in addition to the vegetables they can grow, most aquaponics gardeners cultivate edible fish as well. In this video, Rob shows us the aquaponics greenhouse in his Connecticut backyard, that he built mostly from scavenged parts, as well as his DIY indoor system where he’s growing lettuce under a grow light.
Bigelow Brook Farm:
Original story on faircompanies:

Backyard aquaponics: DIY system to raise fish with veggies


About The Author


  • Grace Forjoe

    Hi, am trying to get some of the worlds hottest pepper plants to buy, can you help me get some? I would appreciate it if you can, Also anyone who can help is welcome to do so. Am in New York so the earlier the better due to weather change. I will friend you on facebook.. Geetina. 

  • edsemaj me

    ty  Kirsten…appreciate it ! having knowledge of carpentry and spent years in gardening and farming …… I lost track of advancements and my dire need to return to that life….these videos open my eyes….. I was at one time very self sufficent ,,,,,but I was outdated in comparison to some of your TY

  • joshyboi6969

    These people need to preach it to the pet stores. The beta's should have bigger bowls, this fish is pooping and that needs to be cleaned up, this is so inhumane… That barrel is like a mansion to a gold fish. And fish like beta's live in stagnant dirty puddle sized habitats in the wild. Gold fish I'm going to guess are the same as they don't require air pumps either. They are fed and alive. This video is quite alright. All the automated things going on.. Lucky man. I'm a huge believer in reusing and recycling, and this is recycling at its finest. A+++

  • Patrick Edward Brown

    Despite some of the negative comments below regarding the treatment of fish in your system (and there were also some good suggestions instead of straight out bashing), this is an amazing way to grow vegetables. Imagine the possibilities and how systems like this will revolutionize farming and fill starving stomachs.

  • Wander Away

    There is nothing smart, ethical or good about stuffing a bunch of fish into a small fish cage. Have ethics this guy doesn't even allow the fish to get any sun. Terrible design and a bad human.

  • d wakes

    How does this work in the Winter? I'm from upstate NY and really wanna do something like this. Of course up here it can get really cold. So how do the fish respond, what do you do, and are you even growing anything in the winter (which may be a stupid question).

  • elijah Lumpkin

    no heath, the tank holds 2 fish, the length of the fish together should be the length of the tank, they won't grow bigger than it, and goldfish don't have to have as much circulation as other fish do, and Kirsten, about the aphids, you could consider getting some praying mantis, although I am not sure they would survive the winters…

  • Heath Hunter

    you need to think more about the fish….. your conditions are not acceptable. feed half as much and provide current…… if you can afford it, that big, extremely obese goldfish should have 2x the space, and a mechanical filtration that keeps the water cleaner. you could have spent 1/4 the cost of your lazy-man automation to make the aquarium conditions humane.

  • Elisabeth Spaeth

    So sad these poor fish have no space…. cruelty to fish… our 20 year old goldfish live in a huge 10m x3m and 1,40m deep pond and grew very big and boss around the koi carp…. most swimming pools are smaller… we only have about 20 fish in this huge pond…. we don't swim in it…..the fish have places to hide underneath and get fed multiple times per day with vegan fish pellets algae etc.
    Get a swimming pond for your gold fish and the concept is perfect!!! I am a diver and vegan because i admire all animals…. and fish have wonderful personalties and feelings too…. they even recognise me and kiss each other…..
    check out…. and inform yourself…. Best regards…

  • brian hunt

    Whats the monthly cost of water. Are you able to justify the cost in relation to how much food you grow, or are you paying for the experience in the end? Thank you. I am so interested in this recently. Great work man.