Well this ends the saga of the hydroponic giant pumpkin. And it was a lot of fun to have an entry for an official pumpkin weigh off. When I entered my pumpkin the judges were really interested…

Growing 5 different varieties of Hops in a drip style hydroponics system in a greenhouse. Nugget, Fuggle, Sunbeam, Horizon and Mt. Hood varieties.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

How To Hydroponics – S02E28 Hydroponic Giant Pumpkin Part 07

About The Author


  • Michelle Shand

    My husband and I decided this year to get into growing our own vegetables
    from seedlings and trying out hydroponics. I bought all the supplies today
    from Hydro-lite in Edmonton for a mini ebb & flow and then stumbled upon
    your channel. I’m sure glad I did….your videos are both informative and
    enjoyable. You are from Westlock? Small world, we used to live just north
    in Jarvie/ Fawcett area and worked in town. Happy growing:) ?

  • nosexinside

    Hi Matthew , If you have some time , it will be nice , if you can make a
    small video with this pumpkin , meaning from the first time when you put
    the seed , until the day when it was ready to participate to that contest.
    So , now a question : What is next ? Goodluck

  • Andrew Postma

    I have been doing hydroponics for a few years now as a hobby. I have always
    wanted to grow a giant pumpkin. This year I decided late in the year (May
    28) to go a head and do it. 100% hydro, no roots are allowed to touch dirt.
    I actually watched your videos back before I got going, and I think it add
    to my motivation to get started. Thanks! 5 weeks after pollination the
    pumpkin is over 50 pounds and gaining about 5-6 pounds a day! Cheers!

  • bigminer84

    Love the video series, has helped me get my hydroponics up and going, can’t
    wait for the newest videos to come out. keep up the great work. Plus I want
    to enter in the contest. Thanks. keep the vids coming.

  • joshmc6

    Great Job Matthew! Its been fun to watch this thing grow. Ill try growing a
    seed via aquaponics if I “win a seed” and if I still have it up and
    running, which i should. Till next year!

  • MIgardener | Simple Organic Gardening & Sustainable Living

    heck yes i want to enter this contest! i love your videos man! and thanks
    by the way for all the nice comments you have left on my videos 🙂 really
    supportive community we are becoming, i like it!

  • mrjrm0868

    “I want to enter in the contest” job well done with the hydro pumpkin. i’m
    a townhouse dweller and was wondering if i can grow this on my patio or
    not. it’s already the begining of october and wanted to grow some pumpkin
    for my kids but too late. of course, i’ll probably grow now for practice. 🙂

  • galatic180

    Matt Great ending to the season.. hope next year work doesn’t get in the
    way so we can see the full outcome of this setup. Thumps up Btw: I want to
    enter in the contest

  • Brad Watson

    I want to enter in the contest. Matthew Great Work!!! Hopefully next year
    you can keep the nutrients going through the whole season and I hope you
    get a 150+ Pumpkin. Your videos have been an great help to me in putting
    together a hydroponic system and I’m always watching for any new videos
    that you put together. Keep up the good work!!!! Thanks again. Brad

  • plain2growJim

    My ten year old asked me the other day if I could grow a giant pumpkin with
    hydroponics and I said, “probably not.” Woo doggy! That’s a big’in! I love
    your stuff! Keep it up. Let’s continue to show the world what hydroponics
    can do. Music is very John Fahey – inspired. Who is it? I put this in my
    favorites, by the way.

  • HowToHydroponics

    @nosexinside Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too. I’ve been
    very busy with? work, changing districts and getting ready for the
    holidays. I do have plans to continue but am really limited with the free
    time I have.

  • ReptileFreak2000

    Hi I just got in to big pumpkins i am going to start one next year mine
    isnt gooing to be hydroponics but i am going to use a similar watering
    sistem I would like to be entered in the contest hope i win

  • HydroParadigm

    We are just going to see how they do, so far they are still growing and
    producing cones. We are on our 3rd harvest on the same plant. However now
    that winter is getting here and the sun levels are dropping we may start to
    see a change in production. If this is the case we will simply take a few
    rhizome clippings and toss them in the fridge for a forced chilling them
    replant again early spring once light levels come back, (or longer days I
    should be saying).

  • HydroParadigm

    That is what we hope to find out. Previous trials have been conducted by
    others hydroponically (outdoors) and they found that not only was yield
    improved, but the actual potency of various alpha and beta acid compounds
    within the hops were drastically improved. Sun or light is not really an
    issue for us here in Arizona. Hops grow best in climates such as the
    northwest that receive far less light than we do here.

  • HydroParadigm

    they seem to be very sensitive to light so they need to be started at the
    proper time for the variety. We planted out of season thinking we could
    over come things by having the appropriate climate control. It did not work
    for us. So if planted at the right time they will take off right away and
    mature soon after, however I can’t quite remember the time it did
    take….ooops. 🙂

  • HydroParadigm

    I did not spray the hops with compost tea only due to the fact that the end
    goal for these hops is to go into a beer “raw” and add flavor so I don’t
    want to mask or even ruin the smell of the hops. I made a video on compost
    tea with my recipe you should check it out.

  • HydroParadigm

    …..I just wrote a very long explanation of the trial….then I accidently
    hit the back button and everything was gone!!!!! lol…..so in the midst of
    my frustration I will simply answer your quick questions and post a follow
    up video soon….. -Temps. between 75F-85F year round. -Still in same
    media, EC still kept around 2.1 (during flowering). -Water once everyday
    for 15 minutes at 10am -They seem to love as much sun (light energy) as
    they can get!

  • passthemarley

    Great video, how did this end up working? I’ve been wanting to try indoor
    hops for sometime but haven’t found much info on it. I never thought of
    hydro for some reason… it looks like it is working great though! Have you
    experimented with compost tea foliar sprays to fight diseases?

  • Jeff Joudrey

    Hi, I’m doing a project on growing hops in the greenhouse, I noticed you
    haven’t posted anything recently on how things are going. Have you noticed
    any improvements? What temperature are you keeping them at, have you
    changed the EC or maybe the media it is growing in? How often do you
    irrigate? Do you find they prefer a lot of sun, or more shade? Do you think
    it would be possible to grow these on rockwool or coco slabs, or have you
    found you need buckets for the roots to grow?

  • HydroParadigm

    They ended up getting taken over by spider mites. We cleaned everything up
    cut the plants down and then waited for them to come back…..which they
    did about a month ago. They are 3 times as vigorous this time around! I
    will post a video update soon.

  • HydroParadigm

    -Rockwool would seem more difficult since we are dealing with rhizomes
    (longer wood like roots). Or maybe because I just personally prefer coco
    coir. 🙂 We tried planting 3 rhizomes in a slab and it was too difficult to
    keep the moisture consistent that’s why we chose individual buckets.