Have some fun with windowsill gardening this Easter! Grow cress ‘hair’ in egg shells for some Easter fun with the kids.
Watch this how-to video tutorial on growing cress and grass seeds in empty egg shells. It’s so easy to do and really fun!
You will need:
Empty egg shells
Cress seeds
Cotton wool, kitchen roll or paper towels
Googly eyes
Markers or felt tips
How to grow cress heads
Cut the top off the egg shell, remove the egg and wash out.
Decorate your eggshell with eyes and faces and leave to dry
Place a bit of cotton wool, kitchen roll or paper towels into the shell
Add water until the material is wet but not swimming in excess water
Sprinkle in cress seeds
Place in a sunny dry position such as on a windowsill
Keep well watered
Your cress seeds should sprout in a day or two. Then you can cut the hair or tie it into bunches!
Enjoy Easter gardening fun with this easy indoor activity for children.
More Easter gardening ideas for kids: http://bit.ly/1n8LhQh
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