Learn how to grow big bulb onions. I share some tips on growing big bulb onions. I planted 1015 and 1015Y varieties of onions. RESOURCES: – Mittleider Garden…
Learn how to grow big bulb onions. I share some tips on growing big bulb onions. I planted 1015 and 1015Y varieties of onions. RESOURCES: – Mittleider Garden…
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Yeah and you can also save those onion tops your cutting off in a jar to
dry out and you got your self some chives to go on a baked potato or a to
add flavor to a nice soup or stew or even to add to stuffing for the
hollidays mate. Great vid!?
Thank you so much for this GREAT video. I had never heard of this
technique, but I can see how it would work. Just out of curiosity – what
did you do with the onion greens? Dry them? Clean, chop and dry for in
soups and stews? ?
what is the wire you have along side the water pipe there for??
very beautiful onion harvest – I bet they tasted just great?
As a commercial onion grower,I have never heard of this technique. I would
worry about opening up the stem to botrytis from water getting into the
onion. Besides that I might give it a try on a bed next year. We grow about
30,000 lbs of organic onions yearly.?
Lds prepper wats that? and wats the nutes your useing? ?
Nice video.?
good video?
The green portion that your cutting off, can it be used??
You can cut the top leaves will grow bigger you harvest when flower bloom?
Omfg.. i LOVE your onions set up! I love growing Onions!?
Hello I like the way you made on your sprinkler. I hope you have video on
how it is done thanks.?
Mine got huge when i cut the tops :)?
You can take the onion tops clean them, cull them, cut or slice them and
dehydrate them for later use in soups, stews, on potatoes and salads and in
Asian dishes. Where did you get your saw dust? I tried Mel’s B gardening
and yielded nothing to write home about. Your potatoes and onions looked
great! Thanks I have subscribed.?
do you use composted sawdust mixed with the sand or is it just dry sawdust??
These onions are amazing!?
Nicely done. Thanks for the tip!?
what is in the weekly feed?????
Mittleider has nothing to do with an onion being sweet or not. It also
depends on your location. Good grief. If you get the right type of onion,
sure, it will be sweet. If it is too sweet, like Vidalia or Walla Walla,
it won’t keep through the winter and must be eaten quickly. Boy, what a
sales pitch. . ?
hi lds if you keep the greens and dehydrate them you can make onion chives
they are good for cooking?
Are you using pressure treated lumber for your raised beds? And, thanks
for the tips, I’m going to try it.?
I thought you posted somewhere where you got the onions, didn’t you have
some candied onions I think was the name.?
Lovely video! Thank you!?
Great video, just watch out if your using pressure treated lumber near your
plants, the preservative can be taken in by the plants. ?
Planted too close . They would get larger if not planted so tightly . ?