In this video I run you through a step by step proccess of how to clone any plant from a cutting. Plant propagation is very simple and can save you a lot of …
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Video Rating: 4 / 5
Good info, thanks?
The drawback to hydroponics is you will have to shop for “plant food” or
nutrients and supplements that are expensive.?
just because you said I shouldn’t try to clone any flower, I did
20 roses in a month no root tone haha :)?
This might be a dumb question but would this also work on a tree? My
grandmother planted a tree about 20 years ago in my aunts yard. I’d like to
clone and plant at my house. Thank you for the feed back?
Now I could clone weed jk?
O my ringtone lol throw back cassie ?
Through this video, I learned that cloning plant from cutting is very easy
but I think we have to make sure first that the quality of plant before we
do the process is good. This is a very good idea in such a way that it can
help our plants to become more productive and in terms of financing.?
First turn off your phone when making a video Second ,never dip into the
root-tone container because it become contaminated. Use what you think
you’ll need by placing in the cap then discard what is left over from the
Thanks for this. Does this work for trees?
awesome vid but i got a couple tips if you dont mind. use the liquid gel
instead of the powder rooting hormone. i use cloneX. also dont dip in the
bottle. pour out a small amount on a surface. dip your cuttings in that.
discard the remainder. this way you wont contaminate your bottle. sterilize
scissors with rubbing alcohol. you can also cut bottom leaves in half so
the plant puts more energy into rooting. also turn cell phones off during
demonstrations LOL.
Where can you buy that rooting stuff?
im doing this for my science fair.
i need an experienced person whos in the plant industrie or knowlegde for
like 1970 80 or somthing, i heard they sprayign chemtrails and the crops
arent growing on the natural seeds or somthing. can someone help me with
this ?
Can you clone bamboo!?? @_@
Thanks for posting this helpful video about cloning. I just have a few
questions in mind….How often do you water your clones in a day? I also
noticed that you used yellow light instead of white, is it better? I hope
you can find the time to answer my questions. Thanks!
Great Clip. TY !
Or about botany in general. I tried cloning some flowering basil. Didn’t
Question? If it’s flowering can you slice the flower off to make the
cloning work better?
Is that Green Light Rooting Organic/ Natural?
Pay attention! 1/8 chance without it. Probably 5/8 chance with.
@lovingmygarden just make sure theres open water in your tray and your
rockwool cubes or soil stays moist. other than that foliar watering a few
times a day dont hurt a bit
Nice to see more people using what’s now available to clone plants that
matter *thumbs up*
does the hot house have to be snapped onto the base and does the hot house
have holes ??? where do u buy the rooting
@Zelvi38 and its not like they are using it for medical reasons.
dude nice tutorial.
u r a life saver!!!
wow i didn’t know u could do that
Goddamit navi lolololololol
u save my life!!!!!!
thanks 😉
very nice tutorial
Omg it works ?!?!?!!
kool thank you very much :D!!!!
Thanks for the help.
very nice tutorial
nice work :)!!!!
Looks awesome. 😀
Thanks dude. Really helped out!!