NOTE: The following documentary depicts legal cannabis horticulture within the state of California under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. This video is for documentary purposes and has been age-restricted as the contents are intended for adults over the age of 21. Cannabis may or may not be legal in your state or county and we here at Weed In a Pot do not condone any illegal activities.

A quick guide on how to build a one bucket aeroponic hydroponic system. Like the content? Then check out our books on Amazon at

Items I Used For This Video:

130 GPH Water Pump:
90 Degree Micro Sprayer:
1/2″ Tubing:
2 Inch Netpot:
3 Inch Netpot:
Hole Saw Drill Kit: Water Pump:
Hydroton Clay Pebbles:

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For a complete list and explanation of the products I used for my grows go to

How To Build A Basic Bucket Aeroponic System

| Vertical farming | 8 Comments
About The Author


  • fernando maldonado

    Hola un gusto… Consulta, cada cuanto es el tiempo entre riego y riego de la aeroponia… Y también me gustaría saber las variables del tiempo dependiendo en que etapa se encuentre el cannabis. Muchas gracias un saludo

  • Home Grown And Stoned

    We would love to sponsor you!!!!! We've emailed you, facebook, Instagram and checked out your website. Love how you are prepared for the worst, really sorry to hear about your other channel.

  • RealThor89

    This is fun and all that good stuff , like being able to work more with the plant set up and making it hobby . Its all fun untill the the roots reach the bottom , oce that happens , the roots grow into it , the temps of the water run high from the pump , the room in the bucket becomes cramped and it dirty . So basicly once you establish the roots , remove that airpump , and the sprayer hose , just leave the airstone and plug the holes with plush fitting grommet where the pump cord was to help fit the hole better. You can then finish your plant by doing bucket change outs weekly untill harvest , avoiding all obsticals and showing that your hydro aireoponics set up is worth the start to the grow. You could even just use those buckets to propogate and then transplant into dwc bubblebuckets making your set up look as a starter bucket and looking better and more appealing as an idea for more thumbs up and likes !

  • Micheal John

    Hey man thanks for vid i have 3 autoflower germing in rockwool for dwc goin to be using adavanceds nutes ph perfect micro grow bloom can u please tell me hom much mils to use per liter in ro water