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Adding coffee grounds to your vegetable garden soils is a great way to encourage new growth. Add coffee grounds to your vegetable garden soils with help from a writer, gardener, naturalist, forager, permie and lover of the outdoors in this free video clip.
Expert: Robert Patrick
Bio: Robert Patrick is a writer, gardener, naturalist, forager, permie, and lover of the outdoors.
Filmmaker: Todd Bockman
Series Description: When it comes to gardening, you’re always going to need to keep a few key things in mind for the maximum amount of success. Learn all about back yard gardening with help from a writer, gardener, naturalist, forager, permie and lover of the outdoors in this free video series.
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That's ridiculous. Put them 3" from the end of the bed and that's supposed to feed the plants in the middle of the bed? Any logic is lacking. Anyone who gives this nonsense a thumbs up is as clueless. Hint, coffee ground are not toxic and can be added all over the bed.
how do you know these are the best methods to put coffee grounds into your garden soil?
Hmmm I just throw all my kitchen waste into a bucket and spread it around the base of my plants all year round. It takes a while to break down, but the worms seem to love it when they do.