Sponsor content created by Insider Studios with the Government of Japan
Japan’s agriculture has been adopting smart-farming for products— including tea, wine and rice— to revitalize the local region and to expand its global reach.
For more information, check out the corresponding articles below.
Rice: https://www.businessinsider.com/sc/japanese-farmers-use-eco-friendly-smart-farming-for-rice-production-2021-3
Tea: https://www.businessinsider.com/sc/how-70-year-old-japanese-tea-farm-increase-exports-technology-2021-2
Wine: https://www.businessinsider.com/sc/how-japanese-vineyard-uses-scientific-data-create-quality-wine-2021-2
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How Japan Is Reshaping Its Agriculture By Harnessing Smart-Farming Technology
Video Rating: / 5
Japanese are always ahead of us in technologies innovation and creativity make Japan more than futuristic
Keep up these kinds of vids!! They are perfect for when I take a shit
USA are you watching this from Japan?
Ive seen this in Korea! Its the coolest thing ever.
Science insider please teach something to Tech insider, they are screwing up big time!!
i hope Indonesia can develope their agricultural technology too 〒▽〒
This is amazing! Everyone is a winner when we chose sustainability!
I'm not criticising the content, but even the bits with a narrator sound like they've been run through a translator? E.g.
"Now, the region is working to introduce drones to maintain the production"
Depopulation seems like the overarching issue that needs to be addressed.
Japan always 5 years ahead with technology
Gotta love the Japanese. They're always thinking forward when it comes to technology.
There need of lots of innovation & technology support for agriculture to feed billions
Now if they could check their fishing practices.
Support me
I wish I were a Japanese
No offense but using pesticides doesn't make this farm smarter or improves the quality of their product like claimed in this video. I wish we weren't promoting false happy narratives (this video contains paid promotion).