How gardening changes your health status?
Health Benefits of Gardening by life side

Caring Plants has amazing effects on human health
.Good news for those who already spend hours planting perennials: Gardening is considered moderate-intensity exercise. You can burn about 330 calories doing one hour of light gardening and yard work —
Just 30 minutes of moderate-level physical activity most days of the week can prevent and control high blood pressure. In fact, The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute recommends gardening or raking leaves for 30-45 minutes as examples of how to hit that recommended amount.
Gardening is positively correlated with a reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms, according to a 2017 meta-analysis in Preventive Medicine Reports that looked at 22 different case studies.
The act of growing plants may also help boost your mood. The 2017 meta-analysis also linked gardening with increases in quality of life and reductions in mood disturbance. This may have something to do with how it changes your outlook.

About me
Rida Batool BSc, Bed, MSc Botany
Study related to plants
Plant researcher, worked on phytoremediation potential of plants especially Maize.
Worked to find effect of chromium stress on plants.
Actively participated in national and international conference held in colleges and universities.
Teaching Biology and other science subjects since last five years.

Honors and Awards
Included in top ten students in university
Best teacher Awards in 2016,2017

Studied at Punjab University Lahore
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How Gardening Change your Health Status? || Health benefits of Gardening

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