Many millions of square meters of flat roof are not yet green – this means wasting an enormous potential of living space.
Flat roof systems consist of a supporting structure and several functional layers. Almost all these systems require an insulation layer. It warms in winter, cools in summer, saves energy, and reduces CO2 emissions. The classical layer structure of an insulated flat roof is shown in the video, together with the options and benefits of a heat insulation with the insulation material Neopor®. In 1997, BASF had presented this product, a further development of the classical insulation material Styropor®. Neopor contains small infrared absorbers and thus ensures that even more heat stays inside the building in winter. In the video the insulation process of the flat roof of a modern certified sustainable building in Ludwigshafen, Germany, with Neopor is illustrated. Next to its good insulation properties, the specific benefits of the material comprise low weight, high stability and a good price-to performance ratio.
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