Hundreds of ant species have been farming for tens of millions of years.
Hosted by: Hank Green
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This is crazy! Ants farming and milking aphids! WTF!
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol! that's so funny!!
they poop and spit on fungi eeeeewwwww what the fuck!
ok, that last argument is ludicrous but hilarious lol
I like watching ants with their herds on our plants in summer…
Key difference between milking cows and herding aphids: ants don't chop off the heads of their aphids and grind their body parts into meat pies!
wouldnt the aphid farming ants be more of ranchers?
mind = shattered like broken glass
You've probably seen in kids' movies they have something about a bee still being in the bunch of flowers when the magician does his trick. Would that be possible, speaking that the bee could fly out at any moment, not just when the magician is doing his trick? I'm not sure that's actually realistic. Yet again, I saw that in a children's movie several years ago.
ants farmers and slavery lords for over 50 million years.
How do ants make all of that? who taught them? DO you really thing the interaction of some atoms makes this? NO. Someone taught them this just like everything else, like bees ans other animals that seem to have some prior knowledge about what to do. The one who taught them was Allah, everything's god. Allah says in Quran:
'He (Pharaoh) said: 'Moses, who is the Lord of you both? ' * 'Our Lord, ' he replied, 'is He Who gave everything its creation and then guided it. ' 'He (Pharaoh) asked: 'How was it then, with the former generations? '' He (Moses) answered: 'The knowledge of them is in a Book with My Lord. My Lord neither goes astray, nor forgets.
this is honestly the most interesting thing ever.
this is incredibly fascinating
Millions of years ? Really ? Can you prove it ? WERE you there ?
Awh shit….my brain is leaking out of my ears, dammit sci show!
It's cool to see that social species work alike. I'm proud we evolved to be one, or else we would be like dragons: Wise but lonely.
I didn't know aphids had wings
Human's cut off cow wings so they couldn't fly away