This video is about making a deep water culture hydroponics system, also known as a DWC hydroponics system. This is a simple DIY Hydroponics System which is great for growing a wide variety of plants. Let me show you how to build a hydroponics system and subscribe for more cool gardening and growing videos.
Awesome video! I subbed you. Could you sub me back please as I also make chilli videos.THANKS.
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So how do you change the water? did you make a video about changing the water? since i'm adding nutrients.
Why didn't you just put on a couple layers of paint you're worried about the light?
What type of pump did you use?
Whens the update coming out, for this?
it is realy amazing
can i use it for growing all kinds of plants like ornamental plants , trees and cactus ?
thanks alot well done
You could have sprayed the box black then put the reflective film on.
FYI: Roots do not like light either.
Reminder: "96w DIY LED Grow Light – How to build it for $57"
You said an update was coming, years ago.
I think your definition of "soon" is incorrect. – half-joke
Merry Christmas mate :)
great little system will luck forward to seeing the updates, wishing you a merry Christmas.
Great video but realistically that setup is great for lettuce..not ideal for tomatoes. .which get huge..would outgrow the area very quickly
great quality and thorough commentary!