Hantz Farms, the biggest proposed urban farm ever, is setting out to reinvigorate Detroit’s blight filled neighborhoods and stimulate its economy. Supported …
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Hantz Farms: Detroit’s Saving Grace

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  • Roi Mower

    Very interesting! Best wishes to all the people who are working to make
    things better there…and to the folks who need it so much. It would be
    terrific if you could post some kind of update every so often (6 months?),
    so we outsiders could see the transformation unfold :-). Thanks so much. ?

  • Daniel Matulich

    It’s cool what they are doing, but they are going about it in a fairly
    hamfisted way.

    It would be better to set up more effective food forests or guilds of
    plants using the design principles of permaculture as opposed to setting up
    small, monocultural crops which will need to have consistent rotation and
    heavy maintenance. Even setting up small scale aquaponics reservoirs would
    be more effective than the conceptual artwork that they show in the video.

    Glad they are trying to gentrify places, and definitely glad that they are
    trying to get other corporations involved in Urban Farming. I certainly
    hope that poorly executed projects don’t undermine the corporate interest
    expressed at the end of this video.?

  • Sharon Warren

    Possibly he meant that the city has deteriorated the most dramatically in
    the past 20 years, which is true. I’m from Detroit and have moved away, but
    I will always love this city and I’d be willing to come back and work with
    these folks.?

  • Jordan B

    The city was not booming 20 years ago- It’s been slowly deteriorating since
    the 1960’s. Originally from Michigan, I agree with what the company is
    doing and believe that Detroit needs a new agricultural vision; however
    this video does not make me want to support the project due to the faulty

  • Igbo Anyanwu

    Picture oaks, maples, and other high value trees planted in straight,
    evenly spaced rows. Grass between rows of trees will be mowed regularly,
    and flowering trees will be planted between streets and sidewalks to create
    a breathtaking place of beauty each spring and fall season.

    We can build a new, green economy in Detroit, and lead the world by
    example. Join us.

    To find out more, contact Mike Score, President-Hantz Farms at

  • AquaticCastle

    Is Hantz Farms Hiring? Do you need finance people to help with the
    selection, acquisition, and management the of land? Also, have you
    considered a coral farm?

  • Jeph

    Crooks in disguise… What is proposed would be nice, but since there are
    unanswered questions, it’s a no in my book. A whole bunch of regulations
    and red tape are being waived for this, and the neighborhood farms already
    functioning around the city, which will either shut down from people going
    to work for the corporation, or from not being able to compete with a
    corporate farm, will cease to bring color to the community. Also the
    profits: they won’t help the city, as they will help the corp

  • CabriniGreene

    Hantz Farms has yet to purchase 1 property in Detroit to use in farming.
    They never planted in that lot. Please do your research on Hantz. They are
    a for profit company with a bad reputation looking to clean up their image.
    Another phony “green” company.

  • Eco Jaunt

    we personally don’t know if they are hiring or not, they could certainly
    use help on all fronts and you should contact them directly, I’m sure
    they’d be absolutely happy to hear from anyone and consider all sorts of

  • stevemoney1000

    Are you kidding me? It said he is planting trees. You know how long that
    will take to turn a profit? He isn’t putting anyone out of business anytime
    soon. Just probably planting some black walnuts and chilling out while his
    money grows and your broke ass neighborhood atleast gets to look good.

  • Ianacek

    I thought the purpose of regulations was to prevent bad things happening .
    Regulations sure weren’t helping this neighborhood , so maybe its right
    that the regulations go & the urban farmers or developers come in . Do you
    really think you’ll be worse off ? Oh , & isn’t it terrrible that anyone
    should actually make a private profit out of providing a liveable community
    for the citizens of blighted Detroit ! Who got the profits from the drug
    deals in the blighted neighborhoods ?