With climate change and rising populations, we have to find more sustainable ways to farm our food. Are hydroponic greenhouses the key to farming’s future? Subscribe to ABC Science YouTube 👉 https://ab.co/2YFO4Go
This is an excerpt from the Australian documentary series, Catalyst: Feeding Australia, originally broadcast on 14th August 2018. The full program will be available for Australians to watch: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/catalyst
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Expensively foolish
Wow! Can I work there?
I have bought truss tomatoes for many years because they have more flavour and are not sprayed with poisons as field tomatoes are. If solar power and water reuse are employed, it will be a sustainable business.
i wonder if you could grow cotton like this
180 calories per kg for tomatoes… If you want to feed the world with greenhouses then I think tomatoes are a bit of a waste of space.
All the plastic?
Seems really cool but what about unfiltered sunshine? You covered one important aspect: insects, bees which are vital, still, are we getting the same amount of vitamins in our food when grown this way?
Wow amazing
Oh awesome! An ABC release that the public can comment on!
How many bees would it take to pollinate that many tomatoes?
pretty neat, like the chalk block idea
No bees,. That seems a little sad.
Spain does this in mass commercial scale if anyone is interested
That’s called SCIENCE!!!!
In this country, as prone as it is to drought, it makes a lot more sense to use these methods, than traditional ones.