I successfully grew 20+ peppers in this vertical tower last year. This year I am setting it up with herbs and 18 hot peppers. I show you how I amend and refresh last year’s container soil, set up the tower and plant. This is a great way to use a 3 foot by 3 foot space.
Products I Use and Recommend. I have an affiliation with them:
The Seed Company I Recommend is Everwilde Farms: https://www.everwilde.com/. Use the code RUSTEDGARDEN for a free seed pack. No ‘THE’ in this code. i have an affiliation with them.
Worm Castings: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on VermisTerra Products and save 10% at https://vermisterra.com/
GreenStalk Vertical Gardening: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on GreenStalk ‘Vertical Tier Systems’. Use this link and enter my code for the discount http://store.greenstalkgarden.com/?afmc=therustedgarden or this short link http://lddy.no/4eal
I recommend the following Gardening & Homestead YT Channels:
Roots & Refuge https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTZN3HhejW1tOiRdLGUCGGA
CaliKim Garden & Home DIY
Please Help Support My Channel: The Rusted Garden – Thanks!
Visit The Rusted Garden Seed & Garden Shop: https://www.therustedgarden.com/ – Check out my discounted seed collections & my ‘Grow as I Grow’ collection.
Shop on Amazon and Support The Rusted Garden for Free: Anything you purchase gives a % return back to TRG. It is free. Just use The Rusted Garden Amazon Portal http://amzn.to/2ttyray anytime you shop. Thanks for using my link. It helps fund my garden videos!
You can also find gardening products I use in my videos here…
I now have an Amazon Influencer’s storefront. I put the products I use, in videos, there. Shopping there is free and The Rusted Garden gets a percentage of sales for anything you buy on Amazon.
Thanks! I have products set up by categories. You can go to my storefront using this secure link: https://www.amazon.com/shop/garypilarchiktherustedgarden
Products in My 2019 YouTube Videos
Seed Starting Supplies and Grow-Light Stations
Containers, Pots and Small Green Houses
Better Greenhouses & Acclimation Set-Ups
Fertilizers & Amendments: Indoor and Outdoor Gardening
Disease and Pest Management
Garden Tools: The Rusted Garden
Gardening Books and Resources
My Social Media Links:
Subscribe to My YouTube Channel (800 Garden Videos) – The Rusted Garden: https://www.youtube.com/user/pilarchik
Follow me on Instagram for Harvest Pictures, Updates and Give-Aways: https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/
Visit My Original Blog The Rusted Vegetable Garden: https://therustedgarden.blogspot.com/
Contact Me at therustedgarden@gmail.com for questions or if you are interested in affiliations or advertising
Video Rating: / 5
Seed Starting Supplies: http://amzn.to/2GrGaZ7 Please Support The Rusted Garden:
Garden Fertilizers: http://amzn.to/2DIQDRY By using these Amazon links, any Amazon purchase
Garden Disease & Pest Control: http://amzn.to/2Fqvl8e you make returns a % of sales back to TRG.
Grow Lights:http://amzn.to/2GudeiO I turn most of that back into the garden and videos.
Amazon General Search Page: http://amzn.to/2DZBzyZ THANKS! Greatly Appreciated – Gary (TRG)
You can also find gardening products I use in my videos here…
I now have an Amazon Influencer's storefront. I put the products I use, in videos, there. Shopping there is free and The Rusted Garden gets a percentage of sales. Thanks! I have products set up by categories. You can go to my storefront using this secure link: https://www.amazon.com/shop/garypilarchiktherustedgarden
Products in My 2019 YouTube Videos
Garden Tools: The Rusted Garden
Gardening Books and Resources
Containers, Pots and Small Green Houses
Fertilizers & Amendments: Indoor and Outdoor Gardening
Disease and Pest Management
Seed Starting Supplies and Grow-Light Stations
Amazon General Search Page (Looks Exactly Like Amazon but It is Tagged to TRG): http://amzn.to/2DZBzyZ
Follow me on Instagram for Harvest Pictures, Updates and Monthly Give-Aways: https://www.instagram.com/therustedgarden/
Worm Castings: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on VermisTerra Products at https://vermisterra.com/
GreenStalk Vertical Gardening: Use the Discount Code THERUSTEDGARDEN on GreenStalk Products. Use this link and enter my code for the discount http://store.greenstalkgarden.com/?afmc=therustedgarden or this short link http://lddy.no/4eal
The Seed Company I Recommend is Everwilde Farms: https://www.everwilde.com/. Use the code RUSTEDGARDEN for a free seed pack. No 'THE' in this code. i have an affiliation with them.
I have tomatoes, peppers, herbs and flowers in my GS. How do I give my tomatoes, peppers their fertilize. From the top or do I just go to each pocket and feed the plants that need it.
WoW that’s great. Especially for small spaces. Great video.
ALL of my pepper transplants are still very small. I have now noticed that they are getting black stems. I gave my parents a few of these plants and they are growing at least 10x bigger with no issues. I'm assuming the black stem is a disease I read about online. Are any of these plants save-able or do they all need to be trashed?
Love this idea!! I'm thinking it may be a wonderful strawberry planter! No?
Strange device. How do the plants on the backside get sunlight?
I seen that at the Dollar Store!!
My pepper plants get huge so that would be too small.
Hello ! Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden) , Thank you for sharing the video very well . like 609 .
Hi, Gary. Love your videos. Just had a question about the green stalk planters. Debating over the 4 or 5 tier system. Wondering just how tall the 5 tier system is when assembled. Want to make sure I can see how much water I'm adding without having to stand on a stool. LOL I'm not short so I think it will be alright but wanted to make sure. Thanks for any input.
Is it too late to plant onions? I live in ohio and am beginner.
I’ve seen your other video on the tower but this time, I want one!! I’ve realized I need to grow a lot more lettuces and greens if I want my family to eat salad everyday. Between Tiny Tim and Red Robin, R. Robin seems to do better in my area and I think it will do fine in this “salad tower.” =)
Looking forward to more on the GreenStalks. I just got a Black one. Oh – be sure guys to align the holes in the little drip pans with each pocket.
This is a GREAT IDEA! I just ordered 2. Thanks for the discount code.
These tower pots are the new trend I see. Everyone has one on their YouTube page. Its working though, because I want one too now, lol!
I love my Greenstalk tower! I have limited garden space that gets full sun so my Greenstalk tower is a great solution. A quarter spin every day or two and I have nearby perfect full sun conditions. I used you code last year to purchase mine…so thank you Gary and Greenstalk!!
Hey Gary you are making tons of progress on your garden. It's lots of hard work and a garden is never really done is it? 🙂 On the tower, in theory they seem to work fine but in my opinion and it's just that my opinion they are not very attractive but for a terrace or patio it makes sense. Happy gardening.
Good mr.