Rounding out our series on hydroponic grow systems are aeroponics and fogponics!
#growshop #gardenstore #hydroshop #letsgrow #yearroundgarden #yrg #growtip #growyourown #plantlife #hydroponics #ebbandflow #dwc #deepwaterculture #fillanddrain #floodanddrain #passivesubirrigation #aeroponics #aquaponics #fogponics #continuousflow #nft #nutrientfilmtechnique #wicking #passivehydroponics #towergarden #turbokloner
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My eyes are over here Sir!!!
If the nutrient is dripped, its a drip system. If the water cascades over the roots, its an nft system. Its not easy to remove a 12" diameter aeroponic root bundle through a 3" netpot hole 😉
I would like to see more on Fog phonics