Hydroponic vertical grow room growing system by SuperCloset.

Verticalponics Grow Room Trailers featuring automated vertical grow systems are the Highest and Fastest Yielding Grow Trailers on the market Per Square Foot and Per Watt. Our 18 foot SuperVertical Grow Room Trailers are Fully Automated and can be driven to farmers markets by the ease of a good size pick-up truck, but will Grow You Yields the size you would normally see out of 40 Foot Green Houses!
All SuperVertical Grow Room Trailers are made to order and all come with a Full FREE 3 Year Warranty on EVERYTHING. SuperVertical Grow Room Trailers are fully customizable and can be set up any way you like, though we highly recommend going with our Fully Automated Verticleponics BigBuddhaBox set-up. This way You Grow up to 2-4x More than ANY traditional horizontal grow room set-up and use much less space and electricity to do so by using 100% of your light source versus only around 30% for traditional hood methods.
This 18 Foot SuperVertical Grow Room Trailer shown includes one BigBuddhaBox with two SuperCool 600’s or two 1000’s, and one Ebb n Flow Table with two Air-Cooled 600 HPS. Prices vary depending on the size you prefer and your desired grow method. Your Grow Trailer is Professionally Enginereed, Professionally Insulated for all weather options, and Looks Beautiful Inside and Out. Our Verticleponics BigBuddhaBoxes are designed to have the option to also grow in soil. Solar paneled lighting is an option we offer you as well.
Not shown is the Super “Mother” Cabinet that sits in the front next to the fan and ballasts and is set-up specifically for a Mother and Clone Room that can clone up to 150 clones at a time. Multiple Mother Cabinets are recommended for the bigger SuperVertical Grow Room Trailers and SuperContainers.
Call for details and order yours today! You are growing to love it!!!
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Grow Room! Grow Hydroponic by SuperCloset

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