(GROW INDOORS) Amazons Strawberry Hydroponic PVC System, Grow The Best Strawberries

Growing indoors, Amazons strawberry hydroponic pbc system. You have never seen anything like this before. Growing giant strawberries without soil. DYI Hydroponic system. Growing food in water. My first time trying too grow food with a hydroponic system.

PVC Hydroponic System

Master Blend

Master Blend 2

(GROW INDOORS) Amazons Strawberry Hydroponic PVC System, Grow The Best Strawberries

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  • Patricia Dagostino

    I purchased the same one, I can’t believe that little pump worked for you. Mine didn’t pump the water thu, because it wasn’t powerful enough. Ended putting a water fountain pump in it.

  • patricia Block

    i have been watching another farmer and she shreds all her newspaper and junk mail and uses it for the chicken boxes. she said their good for the warm months to save money. Is this information any use to you?

  • Josey Earp

    Thanks for the hydroponic setup, you made it look easy so now I have the courage to try myself. You might want to look at the "Tower Garden" videos also, another way to grow food, vertically. Love all your videos, and Abe, he is a wonder!

  • James Russell

    As far as the overall structure, it would be time consuming to punch the semi-circular holes unless you had a template. But overall you could save money having your own design. If money is not a concern it would be less stressful to use their system. I don't know if this is a new thing but if it is prices tend to be higher at first. But not having to buy plant food and just using water is very cost effective.

  • Jeanne Cooke

    If you are not aware, you can add Miracle Grow to your hydroponic system, and reap the rewards…including your outdoor gardens! Happy growing!

  • Rick B

    You should have washed the hydroton before using. Might want to consider putting in a filter on the return to get sediment out before it gets into the tank and pump.

  • Making Memories with Benji

    Dutch, we are building a greenhouse now, have food grade 330 Gal totes. I am in South Carolina so we will use catfish and large. bluegill, may have to separate them with heave screen material, all pumps, light, heat will be solar. I'll let you know how it comes out. God's Blessings be with you.