GROW, Compost Fertilizer together for Plants! Garden Fertilizer, Make YOUR own from YOUR Trash; How I feed my Garden Vegetable Plants for FREE, which I think Helps my Zucchini get so big. COMPOST in PLACE Feed the GARDEN Grow Big Healthy Plants LONGER for FREE. We do container Gardening and Back to Eden Woodchips gardening.
Grow More Food as YOU Compost in PLACE Fertilizer in the Garden
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Help I had full feeders before our weekend rain. Then they did not drink. I thought…rain got on. So I redid all. Sunny tod as y. Today I have 2 birds and little eating. I am over hill from you 9b.
I am so inspired by your user-friendly gardening techniques.
Oh wow. You look like a totally different person with your hair back!
You do garden the easy way. Thank you.
I like the layer methods it makes sense so simple
Robbie, I would like to start the worm compost. How many worms would I need? Can I depend on nature to draw them or should I order them. Who do you suggest?
How do you cook your zucchini?
will this same method work for in ground plants? im considering putting a compost bin right next to my in-ground plants to fertilize, just like you did.
Hello Mrs Robbie, Im learning a lot from you and enjoy how you keep it simples and smart. Maybe a weird question but here goes! do you have to create this"compost" scraps outside? and what if one lived in a small space with NO yard- How can I start an get some results? Thank you in advance for replying 🙂
Some people take a fish then bury it then put garden lime on top to stop critters I'm wondering can I crack a egg and do the same thing! Eggs are loaded with vitamin.
+Robbie and Gary, love that someone else does similar things to me…. But I didnt catch the plant you mentioned at beginning.. Was it Collards??? and will Comfrey do instead??
What I do is similar with big pots.. but I keep a smaller pot in kitchen, and layer comfey, paper, leaves food scraps, [ not many only one person] and more comfrey etc.. and soil after each layer so no smell or flying. when full, out into garden it goes and usually on bigger pot like yours so water drains into bigger pots intead of wasting….
Thanks for your help…
I just love your videos!!!!!
I am so thankful for you and your honesty,because I am disfunctional in applying a fertilizer regime but I always throw my kitchen scraps amongst the plants and they love it. Can't handle the tecno crap,simple is best.
So , can I compost cooked food??
Miss Robbie, does composed works on regular plants, like flowering plants and such ??
I've started using coffee filters at the bottom of my pots to slow down the water drainage.