My first time down the Green Wall. The flow was around 1400 cfs. There were 21 in our party and 50% of us swam Harvey’s Hole at the bottom of Green Wall. Thanks to Matt, Catie, and the rest of the Noah’s crew who helped pulled my raft out at the bottom of the rapid.
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Good run right up to the flip lol
That's some oxygenated water.
We didn't run it at such high flow, but it seems to me that you want to be backpaddling with a steep ferry angle starting at about the 1:22 mark or so to get left of Harvey's Hole. Maybe the guide was fully aware of what he was approaching but thought he could blast through the hole if they had enough speed, hard to know.
Magnificent river, God's country. Kayaked it about 10 years back.
Green Wall makes you think twice.
Man their paddling was pretty terrible up front…Sweet video though.
I know that now. I was instructed to approach it at 2 o'clock, but he really meant 10 o'clock. I did exactly what he said and that was the result. By the time I realized, it was too late….
Left hand angle wouldve done a lot for ya at the bottom.
I ran this river for the first time last year at about the same level and from the rumors I have heard Green Wall is the hardest at this water flow because the far left route isn't available and the stuff at the bottom as you know is HUGE! Thanks for the video brings back awesome memories. Beautiful Canyon!