Green roofs energy savings. Data from Chicago, Tokyo, California, New York, Australia, Toronto, Germany, Reduction of roof temper…
Design Green Roofs for Tropical and Semi-Tropical areas (we are a Florida Green Roof Company) impacted by salt and hurricanes. #Metroverde #Florida #GreenRoo…
Green Roofs – save energy – global warming action
see… Cool Roof
Global Warming is a banker funded fraud. It’s made to appeal to guilty,
weak minds. Go self-flagilate at someone else’s expense.
Great ideas
Thanks. Patrick
They should do this in Phoenix, AZ. The whole city has that Island effect
because of all the cement.
Sorry about the don’t let architects design buildings quote. How do you get
the customer to care, to want a living breathing long lasting building that
people will want to use and to be around?
Customers are becoming sensitive to wider public opinion. I work with many
architects, real estate developers and so on and they are changing the kind
of buildings they are designing, at astonishing speed, responding to global
warming concerns.
What do you think? For more of my videos on this issue SUBSCRIBE to my next
videos – press ORANGE BUTTON top left. Also if you click FAVOURITE (red
heart) immediately below video, you will help other people find this video
and enjoy it too. PLEASE do comment….I try to reply to most comments, but
with 10 million different visitors to my sites sometimes it takes me a
while. Thanks. Patrick Dixon
Native plants on your roof!?