Installed in 2003, the living roof on top of Ford’s Dearborn Truck Plant is flourishing as an environmental touchstone amid the iconic Rouge Center. At 10.4 acres — the size of eight football fields — the living roof sustains a diverse ecosystem, removes CO2 from the atmosphere and reduces energy use at the F-150 assembly plant below. It also is part of an innovative storm water management system that reduces run-off and costs two-thirds less than a conventional treatment process.
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The Burnley Living Roofs at the University of Melbourne’s Burnley Campus is a world-class research and teaching facility — and the first of its kind in Australia. The University has established the facility to demonstrate to the wider community how green transformations can be achieved in our cities, aspiring to lead through example.

Designed by HASSELL in close collaboration with the University’s leading academic green roof technology and urban horticulture researchers, the Burnley Living Roofs provide purpose-built facilities for the University to continue their pioneering research.
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Ford Living Roof at Rouge Center’s Dearborn Truck Plant

| Green Roofs | 1 Comment
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  • Oscar Bressane

    Magnífico exemplo de tratamento de lajes sobre edifícios. Atenção especial à coerência em conceituação de ocupação espacial, uso de materiais e principalmente à escolha da vegetação. Plantas suculentas em pouca profundidade de solo em recomposição ambiental do sistema local. Sob a grade de alumínio expandido no piso, plantas de meia sombra. Espetáculo!

    Magnificent example of treating terraces on buildings. Special attention to consistency in conceptualization of spatial occupation, usage of materials and especially the choice of vegetation. Succulent plants in shallow soil in environmental restoration of the local system. Under the expanded aluminum grid floor, half shade plants. Spectacular!